Whats next

posted in davidkilmer
Published January 28, 2020 Imported

It has been nearly three months since the last to-do list was created. It really is hard to say if it has been such a long journey because of holidays or if I am just getting bogged down. I have, all of a sudden, found it harder to wake up super early, and I am not sure if it is due to being tired or I am losing motivation. One thing is for sure, this is the thick of it, and it is getting harder and harder every day.

Regardless, I am determined to get this project to at least a playable point. I have been revisiting the idea of depth maps in the game, as it would definitely create a awesome dynamic to game play. More on that in a moment, first, lets talk to-do

  1. Depth map: if there is anything that would add an element to coolness with this game, it would be hills, and cliffs. Some things that would be necessary to this would be the ability for the ‘camera’ to rotate 90 degrees as to be able to see on the other side of a bluff/cliff.
  2. Disasters: The one thing not done from the last to-do list
  3. More Items and Actions: I am thinking there is going to be shallow water and deep water, deep water the player goes chest deep and swims. The player can also fish in deep water. Also, the action of cooking.
  4. A new Intro Screen: and yeah, I know this is a prototype, but the amount of work and the journey involved in developing the game warrents the need for a good, cinematic intro.
  5. Fix Inventory GUI: there is a crap load of bugs surrounding the main inventory panel. It must be fixed.
  6. Add player stats in GUI: This will show stats, overall including the armor and weapon rating in equipped mode. Maybe add a leveling up function so the user can choose where new stat points go.
  7. Redo the main stats display: Where it shows energy/thirst/hunger/health . Just change it to something more beautiful
  8. Save States: Obviously, the user needs to be able to save their game. Also , a way to exit to start screen.
  9. Something needs to be done with the Message Window: I have enabled it a few times and have felt it might be a bit ugly and redundant. Battle messages could float above the player or mob affected, other messages could pop in and pause the game and have a close button to remove and resume the game?

Why is depth map first? Because it is the hardest and most daunting idea. The main issue is that I did not think of this in the beginning and therefore there is a lot to be changed regardless of which way I decide to go about doing it. The first part is camera angle and change. I could, and should, keep the camera still and instead move the map and everything else. The other way around would mess up x/y dependencies, although, it might be the only logical solution, so we will see.

Secondly, there will be a lot of new code introduced with this change and will surely bug up the code for quite some time. I am still not positive of how I am going to display depth changes, but I feel it is important.

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