Original post by Kylotan
Surely one of the benefits of approaches like genetic algorithms (and neural nets) is that you give the algorithm as much information as it needs, and let it make the decision on what needs to be taken into account and what does not? You may find it makes a useful correlation that you missed.
Good point. My idea was to remove as much ''unnecessary functions'' as possible, but these may actually help the ghosts.
1) feel free to "pre-develop" your GA during testing to have a "out of the box" AI that doesn''t slowly spin in circles waiting to get smoked. (save your dna sequence and begin with a competent agent)
I don''t think GAs and GPs should be limited to online learning. In fact, I feel on-line learning may do very stupid things, because it''s so easy to ''break'' the logic structure of a GP. Much moreso than a regular GA.
3) feel free to "flag" recent mutations to attempt to isolate perfomance affecting enhancements.
4) don''t be afraid to "cheat" when it comes to evolution.
I feel rather bad about cheating. It''s a lot of work with the genetic operators, and it assumes that I know better than random decision-making. Kind of like "If I had built the human body from the ground-up, it would be a lot better."
Thanks for your suggestions.
Until now, I''ve been mostly concerned with the user interface and the core of the "AnimalFactory". Different games have very different needs. For example, in a Tic-Tac-Toe game, you are only allowed to do one move and even if the AI spent a minute thinking about it, it''s no big deal, but in a racing game, you can break/turn right at the same time, and the speed of the AI is rather important.
I think the interface could quite easily provide support for ANNs too, which is another interesting avenue.
My biggest preoccupation right now is definitely evolving those GPs. I really like the idea that I can read any random sequence of bits and make a program out of it, but it prevents me from evolving it as a structured program, rather than as a sequence of bits...
And then, there is the problem of building test cases. Creating a Pac-Man clone doesn''t take months, but it''s still not something I''ll do in an hour. And I''d have to create plenty of games like that to really determine how my library should be designed.