Team: Orymus3:
Game Link: http://orymus.com/mmony/Delivery_WoAII_Orymus.zip
Game: Delivery
Archive Link: /Delivery/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - Game was fun, but also maddening at times
Graphics: 18/20 - Graphics flowed together and worked nicely for this game.
Theme: 15/20 - Theme is put in pretty decently, however the only toy is the car, the rest are school supplies =-P
Audio: 8/10 - audio is very good, but a bit jarring at first, the sound effects work, but the sudden constant car rumbling noise when starting the game took a few moments to get used to(perhaps a semi-long fade in on audio would be good)
UX: 6/10 - User experiance is very good, easy to start/play and the sticky in the beginning is all you need to know, but i felt like turning with the car was a bit slow. however i had to knock off 2 points with no menu or settings, and forced alt+f4 to quit out.
Part: 10/10 - Great overall participation.
Judges: 5/5 - The game was enjoyable, and imo can be put in the tune of those "worlds hardest games"
Overall: 82
This game was fun, and had a great learning curve to it, it starts out slow introducing you to a new element each time you cross to a new desk. eventually adding them all together for some interesting mechanics. the game starts to become quite maddening once your on the last 3 check points, each try requiring me at least 20 tries to make it through(that damn 3 ruler jump, with the eraser at the last ruler was a particular pain). The inclusion of a boss was a great touch, but also insanely tough to beat. you had to effectively cruise through the bumper stapler's without messing up so you could gain some distance from the boss, and if your very lucky, slide above the pencils and down onto the ruler as quickly as possible before the boss descends on you). The game was very challenging at the end, but not so challenging i felt like it was impossible(the boss did start to feel that way though). I think there is some great potential in this game to be marketed like those "worlds toughest games", it has a better difficulty feel to it overall that while very tough, makes me keep trying as when i lost, i felt it was a mistake i made, and not the game's difficulty itself. another thing to note with graphics is the background was very simple, and had a nice parallax effect going on which helped with the sense of depth to the room, however as it's a classroom, i'd expect to see some papers on the ground, and perhaps desk chairs around the desks your running in between. One last graphical note is the shadow cones could have likely used something at their source that made it look like the shadow was coming from somewhere, rather than randomly appearing in space.
The game surprisingly also has a minor story in it(spoilers ahead), that is conveyed in the sticky/paper notes you find on the desks, it appears the child is slightly disturbed and is "listening" to the toy car to do things(which is likely why the teacher want's to see the kid after class), and by the end you learn the kid's mother has likely died, so he's more than likely in a mode of grief than anything else.
Team: Cefleet:
Game: The life of a bear
Game Link: http://aletheiagamestudio.com/builds/lifeofbear/
Archive Link: Web based game, follow game link
Platform: Web
Gameplay: 18/25 - Gameplay was very simple, but the first puzzle was insane to figure out.
Graphics: 15/20 - Graphics were very nice, had a few laying issues though.
Theme: 20/20 - Theme was spot on, all the toys you encounter are alive, but your the only one they've ever seen that coule move, it's an interesting twist to the idea of toys being alive.
Audio: 8/10 - Audio was pretty great, and was a nice melody while playing.
UX: 7/10 - very simple, and easy to pick up, but walking behind the tree killed me several times as i wasn't certain how close i was to the dog.
Part: 10/10 - cefleet was updating and commeting on alot of folks works
Judges: 3/5 - I was about ready to give up on this game after about half an hour of trying to figure out where that damn stone went.
Overall: 81
This was a pretty decent game overall, but it started to drive me crazy thinking maybe the developer forgot to actually include a use for the first part of the puzzle. BUT HE DID, AND IT WAS A BRILLIANT USE! Seriously though after i figured out where the stone went, the rest of the game became a breeze to get through as the rest of the puzzles had some type of hint to go by(and i had already found the stick). the cutscenes were very will done overall, and I quite enjoyed them(in fact i was so sad for the ending cutscene for awhile). I think a few additional puzzle scenes in the house would have been great, but alas we only had 7 days and am grateful for what we got. I did notice some graphical laying issues, for example when you first start you can walk under the swing, but later you are able to walk above it. also the collisions had a few issues, nothing detrimental/game breaking but i'm doubtful the teddy could fit through the fench(not the outer wall fence, the inner wall by the garden). still this was decent fun, if not a bit hair pulling in the beginning.
Team: Technogoth:
Game: The last toy in the box
Game Link: http://neonjesterdesigns.azurewebsites.net/TheLastToyInTheToyBox
Archive Link: Web based game, follow game link
Platform: Web
Gameplay: 25/25 - The enginous of this game!
Graphics: 13/20 - Graphics were a bit rough, but they were used very well!
Theme: 20/20 - Your a toy abandoned looking for other toys that live, i think it hits the nail on the head
Audio: 7/10 - audio was well placed, perhaps some special effects to go with it would be nice.
UX: 6/10 - It took me about a minute to realize exactly what i was doing, but as i discoved how things worked, i fell in love with this game.
Part: 6/10 - I coudn't find too much commenting technogoth did towards other competitors, so he didn't earn as many points here.
Judges: 5/5 - seriously enjoyed this game, it's still a bit short, but i loved every minute of playing it.
Ovarll: 82
Alright, this was a huge surprise, when i loaded up the game at first i thought i had to click on things in the image. eventually i realized i had to click on the actions, and do things, this was fine and dandy as i worked my way in searching for toys. eventually i saw the time, and realized it was ticking down. so alright, i got 6 minutes to play this game i guess. i eventually realized how to level up things, and finally understood how everything fit together. so after making my way out of the toy box, i had ~10 seconds left, welp not bad for a first try. then i did an action...and the game didn't end! now i had 30 minutes to do things, so first off i restarted because i wanted to do things a bit better now that i knew how it worked(and i wanted to see what happened if you stayed in the toy box). I had to quickly turn on fast mode, as waiting for each action started to become a nuisance, and i continued to play. and just slowly discovered the level of depth this game has to offer, weighting choices you make to stay and level up an attribute, to search for another item, or should i leave?! these are the things i had to ask myself. once i made it into the world, i still had some time to spare, unfortuantly each time i played, i never had the strength to hide the toy box. but i learned on each play through, more i became better. always my first action was to conquer the maze. then i took to the rat king, and saved my princess(burning myself to death once along the way), i pillaged the castle(note i discovered a minor bug in that i used the marble twice after having given it to the king, i also apparently used it to defeat the knight). then i tried to fix the princess, but the game ended here on me. and after having played it for a good while, i felt i should move on even if i wanted to see more!
This game was just...amazing in my opinion, it's so simply, but offers so much. truthfully i'm very tempted to build a game in the same type, the mechanics for the game are just down right amazing, that option of choice leaves you a million different ways to do things. the inclusion of a combat component was a great touch to the game(i had to run from spiders after i had only 1 heart left from fighting the giant rat). It's so well done, and i truly hope that Technogoth will continue to work on it.
Team: dmatter:
Game: Save my toys
Game Link: http://www.gilldave.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Save-My-Toys.zip
Archive Folder: /Save my toys/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 22/25 - Game was very fun to play
Graphics: 18/20 - Graphics worked great, and clicked together very nicely.
Theme: 15/20 - Toys are certainly moving, but are they really aware, i mean sure they escaped from Dr. Freinkstein, but who just walks off platforms to there doom?
Audio: 10/10 - Background music, and the sound effects work very nicely.
UX: 10/10 - the ui was very well designed.
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5 - I took off a couple points only because it crashed on me.
Overall: 88
This game would be absolutely amazing as a mobile game, the idea is simple, just help the toys reach the exit. and the execution is well done, you are given 5 possible objects to solve the puzzles(each with their own limits depending on the puzzle). the level of difficulty is fine tuned, introducing new elements in the first few levels to give you an idea of how things work. the fact that their is no "begin" button also works in the game favor to add pressure to the player to finish building the level before the toys make it to the end. However i did have to skip level 8 as i simply could not figure out any meaningful way to do it. I was on the last level still working it out(although i had gotten the key, i couldn't figure out a way to get to the exit). this is when the game crashed on me unfortunately, and since there were no more levels afterwards, i figured i had a good idea about the game. still it was very well executed overall, and the amount of polish that went into the interface and music is great. I know the story sets up that the toys are suppose to be escaping, but truthfully they aren't doing very much besides walking back and forth, which is why the theme score is a bit lower. The graphics were very well done as well, simple but effective, and then menu and opening cut scene was a very nice touch. overall i was quite impressed with this game.
Team: "Still Flying" - Eck, Laurie, Kaylee:
Game: Toys GI
Game Link: https://www.gamedev.net/blog/1922/entry-2260272-the-week-of-awesome-ii-day-7-crossing-the-finish-line/
Archive Folder /ToysGI/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - The concept is well done, and is basically a tatical unit simulator.
Graphics: 15/20 - The graphics were faily alright, each unit had some nice animations on there own, but alot of it didn't seem to flow or fit together very well, perphaps something other than a blue background would have helped.
Theme: 16/20 - Toys vs monsters isn't a bad idea at all.
Audio: 7/10 - Individually the sound effects and background music wasn't bad, but the sound effects seemed a bit out of place when played with the background music is all.
UX: 7/10 - Without reading the readme instructions it would have taken a bit to figure out some of the stuff, having the info in-game about what hope was, or some form of a tutorial would have been nice. the ui also could have used a bit of work.
Part: 10/10 - Had superb participation in the jam.
Judges: 5/5 - a fun game that has potential.
Overall: 80
This game seems like it suffered abit from the time constraint, I see a great game here, but with only 2 levels there's not much to do after you've beaten the boss. The enemy's are fairly easy to destroy with a platoon of piggy's(always use 1 race car so the monsters don't get all the hope on the battlefield). An endless mode would have been great, but beating a match, then sitting through the cutscene(which you can speed up by holding space) to fight the boss took a bit of the fun away. more bosses/levels would have been great, but again i suspect this is where time killed it. Another aspect that would have been great is some type of toybox/closest background instead of the plain blue would have likely went a long way as well imo. A few ui improvements imo would have been to get rid of the 2 red lines that represent the attack range, and instead when an monster or toy is selected(or the mouse hovered over them), draw a circle to represent how far they can see. also the unit selection could have used a bit of work, on a few occasions i selected a unit to attack, but instead my unit just walked over and sat on top of the enemy unit instead) perhaps some type of highlighting what the mouse was over would have aided the game quite a bit. The gameplay mechanics themselves i think were well done, but a bit more balancing could have gone into it to make the enemy's harder(the green Greedy monster never even got a chance to attack me most of the time). perhaps if the enemy had more forces it would have caused me to be a bit more tactical, but because there were usually only 4 or 5 enemy's, and i could buy generally many more forces, i didn't have to think too hard about how to beat the enemy. I still want to stress i enjoyed this game, but it could be much better imo.
One final note is that i personally didn't find an issue with having to show stats, since i could click on an enemy to see details about them, i generally always just checked out my enemy's before i approached them.
Team: Ryan20fun:
Game: Toy Mission
Game Link: https://www.gamedev.net/blog/1924/entry-2260275-the-week-of-awesome-ii-day-7/
Archive Folder: /Toy Mission/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 15/25 - The gameplay was...unique.
Graphics: 12/20 - The graphics were very colorful.
Theme: 5/20 - I know it's called a toy on a mission, and some of the cubes have faces, but i don't really feel like there was much of toys being alive.
Audio: 7/10 - Background audio was pretty nice, and the sound effects when collecting a point wasn't bad.
UX: 5/10 - I had to read the readme to figure out i had to click play before i could actually play(i feel a bit stupid, but since i had to do it only once, i'm not sure why this wasn't defaulted to on)
Part: 10/10 - Overall great participation in the jam.
Judges: 2/5 - Honestly I felt like this was more of a test of a physics simulation then a game.
Overall: 56
This was an interesting game to play. It seems ryan20fun had issues on the 3rd day with getting in actual models, and had to revert to squares/spheres, as well as scaleback the game design. As it stands though there is no time limit, and the scores from collecting the smaller squares don't get shown after you beat a level(nor does there appear to be hiscore system). so after playing all 3 levels there didn't seem to be much reason to replay them. I want to congratulate ryan for submitting something though, it takes alot of effort to get a game done and tossed in, and i'm sure this was a great learning experience for him. if the competition went on for a few more days I'm sure he could have gotten alot more done though, and I hope to see him compete again next year with this years experience in tow!
Team: Lootheo:
Game: The Night of the Living Toys
Game Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbiindg1n2qfjto/LivingToys1.3.zip?dl=0
Archive Folder: /Living Toys/
Platform: windows
Gameplay: 15/25 - The game itself was decent, although rather repetitive and easy overall to play.
Graphics: 20/20 - Had some very good graphics, the room felt like a childs room overall
Theme: 10/20 - The toys themselves aren't alive, more like they are being played with by some other entity.
Audio: 10/10 - Audio has great, background music and sound effects worked great together.
UX: 6/10 - It took me a little bit to realize i was actually shooting(perhaps some type of projectile would have helped).
Part: 7/10 - Had rather good participating.
Judges: 4/5 - The game was a clever idea, i would have liked to see something that made if feel less repetive, or more challenging.
Overall: 72
This game was a rather clever idea imo, the goal is to prevent the entity that is controlling the toys from waking the kid, you sit at the center of the room disabling any toys he brings to life. However this makes the game relatively easy, generally only losing because some of the toys slowly but inevitably get closer and closer each time they are possessed by the entity. The entity moves more quickly the longer the game progresses, but with a mouse it's still relatively easy to track him, since once you've disabled his toy there is really no reason not to follow him(the flying toys will return to base, but the soldier toys would simply stop wherever you disabled them). In total i think there were 6 unique toys, and a few ones that don't get possessed sitting on shelves/desks, I really like the concept, but a change to the control methods, or gameplay for the player to stop the toys would have likely made a significant change to how someone approaches this game. The audio and graphics were top-notch, and felt like it fit the setting perfectly, and everything clicked together very nicely. However overall the repetitveness of the game makes it a quick one to play, and leaves little reason to return.
Team: thesikaoz:
Game: Action Average Joe
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /AAJ/
Platform: Flashplayer
Gameplay: 18/25 - Gameplay was fun, reminding me of the older mario brother games were you had to prevent the turtles from reaching the pipes.
Graphics: 13/20 - Graphics were a bit rough, action joe was fine, but the goblins could probably have used a bit more work
Theme: 15/20 - Your an action figure that was brought to life, although you seem to be the only one that can move.
Audio: 8/10 - Audio was pretty good, and the sound effects fit together pretty nicely.
UX: 10/10 - Relatively easy to understand and play.
Part: 10/10 - Had super great participation.
Judges: 4/5 - Was a pretty fun game, but a bit rough around the edges, and had no end game.
Overall: 78
So this was an fun game to play, reminding me of the classic super smash bros game where you had to prevent the turtles from reaching the pipes, instead you must protect the toys from being attacked by the goblins. the platforms even appear to be made out of lego's, and Action Joe looks pretty good. but the goblins seemed rather large for the level, and sometimes would bounce between the platforms when falling down. The gameplay was simple, and the added custom change component kept me going for awhile to see all that if had to offer. Overall the game does become rather simple once you are down to the last toy, since all you have to do is sit slightly in front of it, and keep attacking. still it was a pretty simple, but well defined game that had me playing for awhile. my first game i lost when a goblin made it past me at the 198 mark, however the second game i was above 350 when i finally decided to quit playing. The audio worked very nicely with the game though, and i can see if this game were polished up a bit more, it'd probably make a fun time-killer mobile game.
Team: Endurion
Game: Building Blocks
Game Link: http://www.georg-rottensteiner.de/files/BuildingBlocks.zip
Archive Folder: /BuildingBlocks/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - A solid build the path game.
Graphics: 17/20 - overall the graphics were relatively simple, but were put together pretty nicely(even the splash animation when a guy fell into the water was a great touch).
Theme: 15/20 - Toys that come to life and follow a set path i suppose. =-P
Audio: 10/10 - Good overall audio quality, sound effects were very nice and worked well.
UX: 7/10 - I didn't realize the spanning white text also gave you instructions on what the controls were, and figuring out how to rotate a piece took a little bit. also having the block count in the top right wasn't a bad place, but i didn't see it for the first couple of levels.
Part: 10/10 - Great participation with everyone!
Judges: 5/5 - An overall solid game that had alot of polish to it.
Overall: 84
This was a very well put together game, the entire thing felt like it was a finished or near finished game. However i could only get about 6 levels in(the bridges and gaps level) before i could find no way to continue. I pondered over that level for awhile trying many different combinations before finally giving up. Then i messaged Endurion on how to get past that level, and felt like an idiot for not being able to solve it. So i managed to get through the rest without much issue, this game was more about figuring out the puzzle to solve the level, then being pressured into it, which gives the player time to sit back and think about how to approach things. The physics could have potentially used a bit of work, as having the toy soldiers fall the second they got to a ledge seemed unnatural, but this is really a minor complaint about the game. The edit mode looks interesting, but i didn't spend any time with it, however seeing a full level editor make its way in was pretty impressive to say the least!
Team: AzureBlaze:
Game: Your Soul Alone
Game Link: http://azureblaze.idv.tw/ursa.rar
Archive Folder: /ursa/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 18/25 - A decent platformer that relys on brains more than timing.
Graphics: 15/20 - Graphics were pretty nice, but i'm not sure if all the platforms really looked like they belonged together.
Theme: 17/20 - The bear is up and moving, and the cutscenes/story is so very nice.
Audio: 10/10 - Audio fit the game very nicely, and created a nice undertone as you played the game.
UX: 4/10 - I had to give this a bit lower score as the color combination system was a bit difficult to grasp.
Part: 9/10 - Great amount of participation in the jam.
Judges: 3/5 - This was an interesting idea, but with only two levels there wasn't much to it.
Overall: 76
Your Soul Alone was a pretty interesting game concept. The game is essentially a large puzzle on remember what colors constitute what pieces work where. The difficulty comes more from a perspective of not remembering fully which colors combine to make what, if you remember all your colors, the game is probably pretty easy, but i found myself struggling a bit trying to think if certain platforms would fall out from under me if i stepped on the next mat. The game also suffers from having only 2 playable levels, it gives you a taste of the game, but that's all you get. The cutscenes through were a great edition to the game, and manage to tell a full story with such simple, but powerful and effective imagery(also that last scene i can only imagine is a solid call back to last years competition, so kudos!) Graphically the game doesn't feel like it all fits together, the bear works with the colorful play mats, but the white platforms, and enemy particle effects feel a bit out of place for the game. Still i found myself wishing for more levels, as i believe some very interesting puzzles could have been created, and i feel like this game could be used as a great method for teaching colors to people. At the same time, i feel like a revamping of the ui to indicate multi-colored playmates and what they effect would have helped quite a bit. Overall an interesting idea, that leaves me wishing for more.
Team: RenegadeNinjaNL:
Game: Toys in space
Game Link: http://renegadeninjanl.itch.io/toys-in-space
Archive Folder: /Toys in space/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 22/25 - This was a very fun and enjoyable game, it gives that feel of FTL but with it's own very unique style that i quite enjoyed.
Graphics: 20/20 - The graphics while not heavy on artwork, were so consistant and worked very well together.
Theme: 10/20 - It's not so much about the toys being alive, as you are rescuing the toys lost in space.
Audio: 10/10 - The audio sounded wonderful, every effect, bullet, and background sounded great.
UX: 7/10 - The game wasn't too difficult to get into, but some of the controls felt a little off, using ctrl for actual selection instead of more commonly used keys.
Part: 7/10 - Had a decent amount of participation during the competition.
Judges: 5/5 - I loved this game, and found nothing technically wrong with it.
Overall: 81
This was such an enjoyable game, i played it a number of times, improving my score on each playthrough. the balance of piloting, vs shooting, vs collecting was well done. the art style was very clear, and very consistent within itself, and even if it was black and white, it had a great atmosphere, the ship itself was very well designed. The audio worked quite wonderfully and only added to the overall atmosphere. The enemys each were unique in there own way, and only 1 felt very annoying as it kept spawning wherever you moved off to. Still that didn't bother me much as i spent much of my time in the seat as a gunner, i wonder how much effort went into thinking about how far apart certain seats were. The fact that the pilot seat was so far from the crane/gunning often left me in a position where i found it easier to run back and forth between gunner and crane operator than to move the ship. The ship being vertically locked at first felt a bit weird, as it limits your capability when you are in the pilot seat, although considering the scope of the game it's understandable why you couldn't move vertically. Overall i had fun playing this game, and hope it makes it out into the wilds as potentially a mobile game with a bit more polish under it.
Team: Thaumaturge:
Game: Darkholm
Game Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58334662/Darkholm%201.0.exe
Archive Folder: /darkholm/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 18/25 - The gameplay is there, but the difficulty factor is insane.
Graphics: 15/20 - The enemys and players looked nice, but a bit out of place with the actual background and levels.
Theme: 15/20 - Toy crocodiles, and headless babies wondering the halls!
Audio: 8/10 - The audio felt mostly right, the only times that audio didn't work was with multiple toy crocodiles in the room that caused a weird stacking of sound as they moved around.
UX: 7/10 - the ui isn't bad, but the controls could have used a bit more work.
Part: 10/10 - Had super solid participation, Thaumaturge was really all over the place with this competition!
Judges: 3/5 - When in the controls screen, clicking on a control to change it would immediately exit the game.
Overall: 76
I really really tried to beat this game, I could generally make it to the second level, but no matter how much i ran, or fought death was always around every corner. after a solid hour of repeated tries, i finally called it and said i simply did not have the luck to do it. I think there were several things that lead to this outcome though, First of all the controls could use a bit more work, when you stopped moving, you'd still glide forward slightly. Since you would be walking into a room this would sometimes mean certain death as you'd enter a room, see a hole directly in front of you, then die before you could react to stop walking forward. This was worse on the second level because sometimes the toy crocs were right next to the door, and if you weren't moving, you were sure to be hit, which meant death pretty much either way you went. Also the combat system felt relatively flaky when combined with the slight gliding you do when you try to stop. Because your attack range is so short, and enemy's move so quickly, it makes it difficult to hit them without being hit yourself. This makes it worse with the wooden stick since that requires several hits to actually kill anything, if you didn't have the the iron stick, it simply wasn't worth it to engage enemy's. Secondly the random room layouts, this works nicely for a rogue like game, but when there are countless ways to instantly die in this game, it becomes near impossible in my opinion to not make a mistake. Which brings me to the third thing that i think makes this game so daunting, it does not feel like a skill based game, I felt like i needed more luck to get through it then anything else. When the high number(and fast) amount of enemy's occupy each room, the game is sort of a dodge them while making it through the doors, combined with the random layout of each play, i never felt like i could get better at the game, I more felt like i simply needed to keep playing until things aligned just right that i made it through the game. Some folks are into those games, but i'm not one of them. It's hard to justify continuing to play when you don't feel like you can actually do better on the next play through.
Team: mousetail:
Game: Toy Crush
Game Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6xoa8jx6c5xouj9/Toy%20Crush%20Setup.exe?dl=0
Archive Folder: /toycrush/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - Overall the game concept is relatively simplistic.
Graphics: 13/20 - The graphics were not too bad, although they seemed to be more of a mishmash of things then feeling like they all belonged together.
Theme: 15/20 - Play toys coming to life and attacking your fort.
Audio: 8/10 - Audio was relatively fine for the most part, i feel like some of the sound effects could have been a bit better.
UX: 8/10 - Until i read the instructions i didn't realize i wasn't suppose to shoot the knights, but other than that the game was pretty east to pick up.
Part: 9/10 - had a solid amount of overall participation in the competition.
Judges: 4/5 - Found a minor bug that a cannonball for some reason dropped out of the sky randomly on a couple of occasions, it didn't effect anything, but i'm not sure why this occurred.
Overall: 77
This was a decent game to play, the concept was nice, and i could see it being a good time waster mobile game. The little green leaf's were nearly impossible to completely stop, but were an excellent source of combo points. The graphics themselves weren't bad, but seemed to be a bit mish-mash in overall design, rather than feeling like everything fit together in a similar design pattern. The game doesn't take much to see everything, so after about 3 plays i finished up, and felt i had a good sense about the game. I think adding more enemy's and/or power ups would go a long way in making it overall more interesting of a game.
Team: Multiparadigme:
Game: XOON
Game Link: 52028761.fr.strato-hosting.eu/multi/jeux/XOON.zip
Archive Folder: /XOON/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 10/25 - I get the concept to shoot the yellow enemy ships while avoiding the toy cars, but the constant movement, and of/off nature of the bullets make this very difficult.
Graphics: 10/20 - Overall the graphics weren't very appealing.
Theme: 5/20 - The toy cars are at least something =-)
Audio: 0/10 - No audio was included
UX: 5/10 - The controls could use a major make over.
Part: 3/10 - Didin't see much overall participation from Multiparadigme, but English doesn't look to be his native language, which might be why he shyed away.
Judges: 0/5 - The use of sleep to enforce delays in the program made was a very bad design choice.
Overall: 33
I want to preface this with I am not trying to be mean, or demeaning in this critique of the game, just that I'm being honest about the problems it has. Overall in my opinion this game is a clear case of what you should not be doing. First off let's begin with the clear use of some type of delaying code(sleep comes first to mind, since it behaves similar to that, I'm going to assume going forward that sleep was used to create the artificial delays). This creates major problems in that you don't handle window events, not handling window events disables closing the app, and creates the impression of the app locking up, which is something the player should never feel a program has done. This is made worse by the fact that sometimes you get combo's in the game, and it again freezes the app and you have to wait to do things. The second major issue was the control scheme, everything seems to be done in a toggle like system. if i press up, i will continue moving up regardless if i release the button, when i start firing, i won't stop until i toggle it off. since the goal is to not hit friendly toys, this makes it difficult to control your rate of fire. The third problem is how fast everything moves, it's mostly a mis-mash of units on the screen that your trying to hit, but they move so quickly it's nearly impossible to accurately attack anything. Overall I don't want Multiparadigme to feel discouraged, however the reliance on delaying code, and a design that seems like it could have used some serious QA work leaves it in a poor position for the competition.
Team: CafeCrew - 0sok, Bohee:
Game: Recolor Me
Game Link: 52028761.fr.strato-hosting.eu/multi/jeux/XOON.zip
Archive Folder: /RecolorMe/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 22/25 - A solid and fun addicting game
Graphics: 18/20 - Graphics were pretty great overall, the background could have probably used a nice parallax effect though.
Theme: 15/20 - Several toys are alive for you to take advantage of.
Audio: 6/10 - No background music, but the sound effects were spot on.
UX: 7/10 - Very easy to get into, but it took me a long time to realize that to ride the dinosaur you needed to be on the back spikes, and not just aim for the head.
Part: 10/10 - Had a solid amount of overall participation.
Judges: 4/5 - a fun and addicting game, that seemed to only have a minor technical issue with trying to ride the dinosaurs.
Overall: 82
This was a pretty fun and enjoyable game. The concept to shoot the blocks to turn them into platforms is a great idea, and provides the player a potentially variety of ways to do things. overall i got to the level where you had to go down several levels, riding the dinosaur to twice to get enough bullets so that you can get the key. unfortunately after probably 40 plus tries i had to give up. The reason i tried so long was not exactly because I'm a judge, but also because this game felt very skill base, that it was my fault i was failing, and on each attempt i felt like i was making only minor mistakes, that next time would be the time for success. The game had a great progression of difficulty, slowly ramping it up, and making you think of the best blocks to activate to solve a puzzle. In some ways it even offered multiple solutions depending on your level of capability's, rather this was intended or not i don't know, but it feels like a lot of time went into getting the controls to feel just right. The controls themselves felt extremely responsive, and many of the puzzles required alot of precision and pushing the character to the limit to make work, which i thought was a great touch to the game. Personally i hope to see more of this game after this week as i think it has alot going for it.
Team: EyaID:
Game: Shelves The Game
Game Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5pc0_HxcjLubGtFamFJZEJBaWM/edit?usp=sharing
Archive Folder: /Shelves/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - The concept is fun, and well executed.
Graphics: 18/20 - The graphics are a tad bit rough at some points, but it still works pretty well.
Theme: 13/20 - The toys aren't so much alive, as being transformed into living monsters.
Audio: 10/10 - The audio fit very nicely with the game, sound effects were spot on.
UX: 10/10 - Very simply to pick up and play, tutorial was very well explained.
Part: 7/10 - Had a pretty good amount of overall participation.
Judges: 5/5 - No technical problems, and had a fair bit of polished feel to the game.
Overall: 83
Shelves is something i could see working very nicely on a mobile platform. The lighting was done very well, and the overall atmosphere felt great. The gameplay while simple, worked very nicely overall to great an enjoyable experience. Graphically the game is pretty decent, the backgrounds are nice and crisp, and the toys look pretty great. even the hand drawn elements aren't too bad, and the games primary mechanic with the use of darkness keeps the player from noticing too many imperfections, the red of the enemys as they transform was very soothing on the black background and added to the feel of the game. The only complaint i might have is that there are only a couple of toys to actually see, even if they didn't use different mechanics, having a bit more variety would have helped keep things a bit more interesting. overall This game was done very well, and with some control changes would likely make for an absolutely excellent mobile game. I hope to see EyaID do more with it in the future!
Team: JackOatley:
Game: Mindfield
Game Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33776055/Mindfield/Mindfield.zip
Archive Folder: /mindfield/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 18/25 - The overall gameplay is relatively simple, and is mostly a simple platformer.
Graphics: 20/20 - The graphics are quite consistent, and work very nicely.
Theme: 12/20 - The toys don't seem so much alive, as you've simply gone completely insane. although to be honest, i'm not 100% sure.
Audio: 10/10 - Audio is pretty spot on, calming back ground music.
UX: 7/10 - very simple and easy to control experience, i only had a couple problems with the controls.
Part: 10/10 - Had a very great amount of overall participation.
Judges: 5/5 - Technically nothing is wrong, and it felt like alot of time had gone into polishing the game.
Overall: 82
This game's experience mostly comes from the insane story you follow, while not very long, the wacky scenario of what happens is pretty fun. The lighting and graphics for this game was pretty top notch, and the background audio felt great, I feel like this game is the basis of something that could likely be much more. I only had a couple of minor problems, first off for walking up and down slopes, i died countless times simply because i would try to jump, and move forward, but if i was on a slope, rather than jump, i usually fell to my death. Secondly while the ship is relatively small, there's no clear directions on where things are, so your mostly going room by room to figure out where something is. Again the ship is small, so it's not very difficult to find your way around, but it was still something i could see being potentially more problematic for a game with a larger scope. The included menu and graphics made the game feel like it had gotten a solid amount of polish done to it, and i quite enjoyed the insane levels things went to in the story.
Team: Shadowisadog:
Game: TeddyStein
Game Link: http://www.donaldsmay.com/Teddystein.zip
Archive Folder: /Teddystein/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 18/25 - Gameplay was relatively simplistic, not a bad idea, but could have used a bit more polish.
Graphics: 13/20 - The graphics felt like a great example of programmers art, it wasn't too bad, but felt a bit like things were mish-mashed together.
Theme: 15/20 - Your a teddy bear murdering aliens!
Audio: 7/10 - Audio wasn't too bad, some of the sound effects felt a bit out of place, and the background music was alright.
UX: 8/10 - Quite a simple game to get into, wasn't too difficult to pick up how to do things.
Part: 7/10 - Had a pretty decent amount of participation during the competition.
Judges: 4/5 - Technically nothing is wrong, but a bit more polish, or multiple levels could have contributed to the game.
Overall: 72
TeddyStein is an alright game that feels like a top down duke nukem sort of game. the ui feels very much like an oldschool fps style, but the gameplay is from a top down perspective. The graphics seemed pretty much to be the definition of programmer art style graphics, while not terrible, they could have probably used a bit more work overall. The game progressively got more difficult by dropping in more and more aliens, combined with not much ammo and you didn't last very long. The farting was a good way to keep everything away from you, although sometimes the aliens would get stuck in a corridor and you'd have no way to get around. still it was pretty fun to shoot down the aliens, and I could see some control redesigns of this making a good mobile game.
Team: sketche99:
Game: Missing Marble
Game Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/68091416/week_awesome_2_final/week_awesome_2.html
Archive Folder: Unity web game
Platform: Unity webplayer
Gameplay: 20/25 - a fun arcader type of racing game.
Graphics: 16/20 - Graphics were pretty good, but it did feel like some of the in game furniture didn't click together with the rest of the scene.
Theme: 12/20 - The racer is alive, but it seems to be the only toy that has come to file.
Audio: 10/10 - The background music was just great, and added so much to the overall feeling of the game, the sound effects were pretty good as well.
UX: 8/10 - Relatively simple to get into, but the turning felt sluggish.
Part: 5/10 - Had an alright amount of participation in the competition.
Judges: 4/5 - Technically the game felt good, had multiple levels, but also had a strong reliance on the bombs as obstacles in the first 2 levels.
Overall: 75
Missing Marbles was an pretty fun game, that gave me a feeling of it being a sort of arcade style game. The goal is relatively simple, drive around and pick up all of the marbles, and the execution isn't bad. The levels look pretty nice, and fun to look at, as well the sense of scale is great. The game can be a bit challenging at points, but as you learn to memorize the routes, each level becomes easier to complete. The controls were mostly decent, but the turning at slow speeds simply felt very sluggish. Also the wasd controls seem to be different from the arrow keys(backing up with the arrow keys didn't cause you to spin), so i'm not sure what's going on in that department. I'd also like to say that i think a multiplayer component to the game would make for some very fun racing against friends, but that would require alot more work than given in the 7 days.
Team: Team Opifex - Garrett Hoofman:
Game: Ultimate Bro-Down
Game Link: uploader.opifexentertainment.com/Data/UltimateBroDown.1.1.zip
Archive Folder: /Ultimate BroDown/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - This type of game style is by far one of my favorite's, no extra fluff for the player, your just another guy in the army.
Graphics: 15/20 - The graphics work mostly well enough, but they make it a bit hard to do combat with only sprites to go off of.
Theme: 20/20 - Hit the theme pretty well with the all out toy wars!
Audio: 8/10 - The audio is pretty great, with the exception that the opening sequence between the two kids the mumbling sound just feels very out of place.
UX: 5/10 - I have to take a few points off here as the combat mechanics require a bit of a learning curve, as well some combat mechanics are not very clear with the current animations.
Part: 10/10 - Had a rock solid amount of overall participation.
Judges: 0/5 - Unfortunately i have to take away any points here, i played the game 5 times, and twice it crashed in the middle of a match, there's definitely some type of bug hidden away in here.
Overall: 78
The concept for Ultimate Bro-Down is very reminiscent of one of my favorite games, star wars: battlefront. I very much love the concept of just being another regular soldier, no super extra stuff layered on, you win based on your own merits and not because the game gives you a bunch of added fluff. This game offers a wide variety of choices as to what you can be, each offer a different play style. From using the car to run things down, to the ball bouncing on other heads, and the Trex to chomp down your enemy's. It all works very great. The mechanics for combat for some of the characters took a bit to grasp, or even figure out. For example i'm still not sure how to use the robot, i'd die almost immediately, and never seem to do any sort of attack. The Trex is by far one of the easiest to use, and get kills with. The user interface could also likely use some form of highlighting who actually killed you, as most of the time just feels like you are randomly killed. Still the graphics are pretty well done, the room/floor/castles look great, and the sprites also look pretty damn good, however by doing only sprites it does make it a bit difficult to use things like the soldier and swordsman to actually engage other sprites that are on the same plane as you are. But I do have to give props to Team Opifex on doing alot of work in 7 days, I can't imagine how they managed to pull this off in such a short amount of time.
Team: Phil_t:
Game: When it's dark
Game Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7AkuhunCLJTMlA2VVRON0xNVnc/edit?usp=sharing
unity webplayer: http://icefallgames.com/Games/WhenItsDark.html
Archive Folder: /When it's dark/
Platform: Unity player, windows
Gameplay: 23/25 - A very solid puzzler that left me wanting more.
Graphics: 20/20 - Graphics were top notch, and felt great.
Theme: 20/20 - The toys are alive in the dark, a great concept overall.
Audio: 10/10 - The use of audio in this game was great, and was done so well, the teddy bears sound scary in the dark, but the game captures such a great sense of being in light vs being in dark.
UX: 10/10 - The learning curve was pretty spot on overall, the pacing between each level was done very nicely.
Part: 10/10 - Had a super great amount of overall participation.
Judges: 5/5 - No crashing and leaving me wanting more, what a great game!
Overal: 98
I really don't know what to say badly about this game, my only gripe is how short it is, and left me wanting far more out of it. The controls were mostly spot on(the character's movement could have probably been tweaked a tiny bit). the concept is executed extremely well, and the overall tone it and atmosphere the game creates is immersive to say the least. The concepts this game brings to the table are very well done, and overall it was an absolutely fun game to play. I would have liked to see a couple more challenging levels, but I'll chalk that up to not having enough time to put together more. The graphics and lighting in this game was very well done, the boy, toy solider, and bear all looked great(and seeing the smoking gun after a bear is killed is such a great added touch.) Phil_t should feel very proud of what he accomplished this week.
Team: stu_pidd_cow:
Game: Little Jimmy
Game Link: https://8ebedac828996867f58ec67fbff67f5b4909c8ad.googledrive.com/host/0B3vKFgZoCungbkN1R2oyS1ZTOE0/LittleJimmy.zip
unity webplayer: https://8ebedac828996867f58ec67fbff67f5b4909c8ad.googledrive.com/host/0B3vKFgZoCungbkN1R2oyS1ZTOE0/LittleJimmy.html
Archive Folder: /LittleJimmy/
Platform: Unity player, windows
Gameplay: 18/25 - The idea is there, but i'm not exactly sold on the execution.
Graphics: 15/20 - Highlighting only the important stuff was a good idea, but it leaves the rest of the scene rather bland.
Theme: 17/20 - But not all the toys seem to be alive, only these three!
Audio: 5/10 - I had to take off points for the audio used for the child, it was very tedious to say the least, the high pitch, and constant use made it get old really fast.
UX: 6/10 - It's a bit hard to figure out what your doing at some points, after realizing you want the kid to go to where the highlighted items are, it's not bad, but for the most part your left guessing on what you have to do.
Part: 10/10 - Had great participation throughout the jam.
Judges: 4/5 - No problems technically, and was a pretty decent idea.
Overall: 75
Little Jimmy is a relatively short game, it has an interesting game concept that reminds me heavily of the kid's game "Red light, green light" game in which you can only move when your told to, but must stop immediately when told not to go. The idea of only texturing the objects that matter works when your not given much information to go on for what your suppose to do. However it leaves the scene mostly bland, and sometimes your still not sure what your trying to accomplish. The game has a bit of humor and story which can be appreciated, but it's relatively short overall, and doesn't take very long to finish it.
Team: sethhope:
Game: Toys of the Night
Game Link: http://www.jcamtech.com/GDNJAM.rar
Archive folder: /Toys of the Night/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 15/25 - Relatively easy, and not much of a reason to replay.
Graphics: 10/20 - Graphics were a bit rough, no animation for the main character moving, and the vision cone around the player could have used a bit of work.
Theme: 15/20 - The toys do follow and murder you, so i'll give props for that.
Audio: 7/10 - Background music wasn't bad, but there were no sound effects for anything.
UX: 6/10 - Relatively easy to pick up, but the toys seem to pass through everything, and takes a couple tries to realize how your suppose to get the code for escaping the home.
Part: 4/10 - Didn't see much participation from sethhope.
Judges: 3/5 - No technical problems were encountered, but there just didn't seem to be much to the game.
Overall: 60
Toys of the night features the player running around a house to find the secret code to escape, whilst running from several toys that chase you. The toys can also simply pass through everything, so you have to be sure to put some distance between you and the toys before you attempt to check a sign inside one of the subrooms(well the entrances to the rooms anyway.) Sethhope adds to the victory message that he only really worked on it for 2 days, so it's understandable why the game is pretty rough at this point. I see a bit of potential here, but at the moment there simply isn't a whole lot to do to return to the game, I hope to see sethhope return for next years competition!
Team: TBA - TheMasterRat, Will:
Game: Atlas of Extinction
Game Link: http://weekofawesomeii.tumblr.com/Download
Archive Folder: /Atlas/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 25/25 - What an overall fun game, fighting other creatures while trying to survive yourself, the difficulty was quite insane as well.
Graphics: 10/20 - Graphics were a bit rough, some basic animations on the creature's moving would have been a good touch.
Theme: 5/20 - More monsters than anything else, and they are remote controlled, not actual living it seems.
Audio: 10/10 - Background audio was pretty good, as were the sound effects.
UX: 5/10 - Took a bit to realize the one type of tile could hurt you, as well took me a bit to figure out how to shoot.
Part: 10/10 - Had rock solid amount of participation.
Judges: 5/5 - No technical difficultys, and enjoyable game.
Overall: 70
This game was pretty damn fun game, i loved going around beating up the other creature things, and the difficulty ramp of the game gets to be pretty insane(the final arena puts three of the most powerful guys in a circle around you when you start, barely managed to escape alive). The fact that the game doesn't reset your creation is a great touch, and the mix and match style of parts is fun to find something that you like to use. overall i settled for a more speedy guy that had a tiny bit of armor and decently strong arms. After awhile though, i had to start to resort to exploitative tactics to actually beat the game, shooting the enemy's before i was in range for them to respond being the biggest offense i committed. still i think there is heavy potential in this type of game, and it was pretty enjoyable being in a cage match style game. I hope TheMasterRat and Will well give thought to continuing this project.
Team: Moonlit House - Line:
Game: The toys are alive
Game Link: http://moonlithouse.com/thetoysarealive/
Archive Folder: Web based game
Platform: Web
Gameplay: 10/25 - A simple game overall, unfortunately without changing what moves, there's not much reason to replay the game.
Graphics: 15/20 - Graphics were pretty great, cutscenes were mostly good, but other times they seemed to be crudely drawn together, which breaks the flow between great graphics, and not so great graphics.
Theme: 15/20 - The toys seem to be moving each night.
Audio: 10/10 - The voice acting, and subtle bird noises were top notch!
UX: 10/10 - Extremely simply gameplay mechanics.
Part: 9/10 - Had a pretty great amount of participation.
Judges: 4/5 - Nothing was technically wrong with it, but it was overwhelmingly short unfortunately.
Overall: 73
This game seems like it has potential to create a very interesting story, unfortunately with only one actual gameplay bit, there isn't much to do. I'd like to note that the voice acting for the dad is very good, and sounds very natural, the kid is about the same level as the dad's voice acting, but sounds like it's been ran through some type of software to modulate the voice a bit. I enjoyed the artwork, and the actual ui itself seemed very polished, but it still comes back to the fact that the game only has 1 actual scene that distracts from it receiving a higher score.
Team: JeoffreyS:
Game: Escape From The Toy Tower
Game Link: http://geoffreysangston.github.io/EscapeFromToyTower/
Archive Folder: Web Based game
Platform: Web
Gameplay: 18/25 - An decent concept, that could have used a bit of work in the controls department.
Graphics: 17/20 - while not the most fanciest of graphics, they were relatively consistent, and didn't distract much from the game.
Theme: 15/20 - The teddy bears come to life to attack you, relatively within line of the theme, but seeing more toys would have been nice.
Audio: 7/10 - Background music was very nice and soothing, but some sort of sound effects for shooting/killing an teddy would have gone a long way.
UX: 7/10 - My biggest gripe is the requirment to move in the direction you want to shoot
Part: 2/10 - Didn't see very much participation from JeoffreyS
Judges: 5/5 - No technical difficulty's, and seeing randomly generated simple levels was a nice touch overall.
Overall: 71
This game was an interesting game to play, essentially you must make your way down the tower, as each room gets larger and deadlier. throw in the added benefit that you can stop some toys from turning against you, and you have an interesting game mechanic. the random generation of each level was a nice touch, and does lend credence to the overall replay value. While the graphics weren't technically stunning, they were pretty consistent and didn't distract from the game at all. The controls could have likely used a bit of a change, as having to move in the direction you want to shoot meant some many early deaths. However once you learn to simply sit at the end of a corridor and mow down the teddys as they come from you, the game changes from being relatively difficult, to becoming pretty easy overall. I think the idea here is sound, and seeing a bit of change up to controls would help quite a bit, as well as tossing in some additional enemy types.
Team: Grey Army - Servant of the Lord(and artist!):
Game: Grey Army
Game Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cn6r2sswvcywhku/GreyArmy%20entry.zip?dl=0
Archive Folder: /GreyArmy/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - The concept is solid, but it could use a bit more work.
Graphics: 15/20 - The graphics were nice, but incomplete it seems.
Theme: 15/20 - Toy soldiers trying to murder some military mice.
Audio: 10/10 - Good audio all around.
UX: 4/10 - Controls seemed unfinshed, and unclear.
Part: 10/10 - Rock solid participation during the competition.
Judges: 5/5 - No technical problems, and i like the concept.
Overall: 79
Grey Army feels like a nearly complete game. It's trying to be a tactical squad shooter, but there are some things getting in the way of that. first off it seems that you should be allowed to tell you mice to shoot specific targets, rather or not they were doing this I'm unsure of, as it's very difficult to tell what your mice are attempting to target. This is because the graphics seem to be partially complete, a game like this requires alot of art asset, which is probably what set it back, but having the sniper always facing the same direction when shooting an enemy behind him is very confusing. The other big problem was the movement of the mice themselves, when trying to protect a unit by placing him in the center of the squad, he'd instead run out to engage an enemy making it difficult to actually keep some of the mice alive. The overall difficulty is pretty insane, i played for awhile, but could never pass wave 2, i'd get close, but by the near end of the wave i would become overwhelmed and lose all of my mice. This seems to also be a problem with how some of the mice do alot of damage, but others seem to do next to know serious amount of damage to enemys. Still i like the concept, and what i did play was pretty enjoyable, but the game needs alot more work in the user interface to become more compelling overall.
Team: Slaughterhouse Gaming - Riuthamus, Bytetroll, Goss:
Game: The Harvest
Game Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41065/theHarvest.rar
Archive Folder: /TheHarvest/
Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac
Gameplay: 20/25 - The farming game style kept me playing for at least an hour.
Graphics: 20/20 - Graphics were top notch.
Theme: 0/20 - Unfortunately the theme was completely disregarded.
Audio: 8/10 - Background music fit nicely, but could have used some sound effects.
UX: 7/10 - Took a bit to figure out how to do everything.
Part: 10/10 - Had an amazing amount of participation throughout the competition.
Judges: 3/5 - While a fun game, i Had to contact riu about a bug that prevented you from farming.
Overall: 68
When i first started the game up, it took a bit to figure out all the buttons, and what to do, but after i got them down, i was confused because i couldn't actually seem to grow anything. After contacting riuthamus and him giving instructions on how to fix the bug(appears to be corrupted data, and i needed to delete a folder), the game worked relatively fine. So off i was playing a farmer, with clear inspirations coming from harvest moon, i could see this game filling a niche that hasn't been filled in quite awhile. The graphics were superb, the animations fluid, and the environment looked great. The day night cycle was a great touch, but the sudden jumps in shadows/light levels was a bit jarring at times, and could have used a bit more smoothing. The controls were pretty well designed, the character moved nicely, but on occasion it felt like the space bar woudn't respond to me wanting to do something. I first grew about a 9x9 patch of corn/pumpkin. And i eventually cleared the entire field, tilled it, and was well on my way to actually planting everything. This was when i realized that goal was a bit unfeasible, each time you water your crops, a full hour is lost, and if a crop isn't watered, they revert from one day's progression, until they die. This made it impossible to both plant, and water everything in a single day, and the more you planted/tried to keep alive, the less time you had to try and plant new crops. Perhaps with a lot more patience, and waiting it might be possible to fully plant the entire field, and then solely focus on watering, but that was alot more time than i had to give to the game. At the end of the day the scope for this game seemed rather large, and riu and team sounded like they ran into repo issues which ate up some of their valuable time. I would absolutely love to see more of this game though, as even just having the farming to do for some odd reason kept me hooked for quite awhile.
Team: el_juan
Game: Docent (not 100% sure)
Game Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3259nmhbhxzmymv/Docent314-Default-
Archive Folder: /docent/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 10/25 - There's something your suppose to do here, but i'm not sure what it is.
Graphics: 12/20 - The graphics actually weren't too bad, but definitely could have used improvements.
Theme: 15/20 - The toys are moving around, and even reproducing!
Audio: 0/10 - No audio or sound components.
UX: 2/10 - I read the introduction paragraph when you start the game, but once i started playing i still wasn't sure what i was doing.
Part: 8/10 - Had a pretty decent amount of overall participation in the jam.
Judges: 0/5 - I tried the game 3 times, and each time it would lock up at some point randomly, forcing me to close the game.
Overall: 47
Docent has an idea, and i'm not 100% sure what it is. I think i understand the overarching idea, the kids come in to play with the toys, you have the toys mate to produce more complex ones....but the execution leaves that to be a bit fuzzy. each time a kid came in, they would start walking around to different toys, and little icons would pop up over his head(usually much to quick for me to make out), but then the toys would randomly start walking up to each other and begin "mating" which would give me an additional toy in my chest to toss down that was a culmination of the two parent toys. However the kid would eventually lock up and stop moving, and the toys would begin to grow exponentially(actually this was pretty funny to toss toys on the ground and just watch them run over to each other.) but alas this is also where the game usually froze up, and i had to force it to close. El_Juan i like the concept, and I hope next year you can bring a similar level of creativity, hopefully with a bit better execution though =-)!
Team: Xai
Game: Santa clause and the dark order
Game Link: https://www.gamedev.net/index.php?app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&attach_id=23985
Archive Folder: /SatDO/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - Actually i found this game to be pretty fun.
Graphics: 5/20 - Definitely pretty rough on the graphics.
Theme: 5/20 - Ummm...Santa Claus deals with toys i guess? =-P
Audio: 5/10 - Had decent sound effects.
UX: 6/10 - Had to read the readme to understand how to play, and the controls could use a bit more work.
Part: 8/10 - Had a pretty good amount of participation.
Judges: 5/5 - Fun game, no crashes, pretty decent.
Overall: 54
This game actually wasn't very bad, and is definitely the beginning of something that could be a fun game. However my only complaint is really in the space like controls of the game, they cause you to overshoot often, and trying to correct yourself takes up most of your effort. The idea is there, I would have just loved to seen a bit more work go into the overall game, but for what it is, it's not bad.
Team: Erik Rufelt
Game: Timmys toys
Game Link: http://www.rufelt.se/Timmys_Toys.zip
Archive Folder: /Timmys toys/
Platform: windows
Gameplay: 15/25 - Overall an interesting concept, but it could have used a good bit more to make it into a full game.
Graphics: 13/20 - Definitely a bit rough, but not too terrible to be distracting.
Theme: 15/20 - Toys trying to run, and being mowed down by your toy creations!
Audio: 0/10 - No audio unfortuantly.
UX: 4/10 - The ui could use a bit of work, took me a while to figure out what i was suppose to be doing.
Part: 2/10 - Didn't see much participation from Erik during the competition.
Judges: 5/5 - no crashs, and was a pretty great concept.
Overall: 54
Timmy's toys feels mostly like a prototype of a game. The core concept is there, but other than that there's not much else. I still enjoyed it for what it has, building massive towers out of the toy parts was fun, but i do wish there were a few more parts to mix and match. The camera should have been rotatable as well(or at least i didn't discover controls for it), since the ui covers up one of the platforms. I can definitely see a game like this being an absolute blast to play though, and I hope Erik would consider pursuing this game in the long run.
Team: Mussi
Game: Diorama
Game Link: https://www.gamedev.net/index.php?app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&attach_id=23989
Archive Folder: /Diorama/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - A physics based game that feels like something straight out of LBP.
Graphics: 15/20 - The colors worked pretty nicely, the blurry toy background also was a nice touch.
Theme: 10/20 - Only 1 toy seems to be living in this game. =-P
Audio: 5/10 - While there is background music, it feels a bit out of place, and doesn't seem to loop very well.
UX: 6/10 - the game was easy to get, but the controls could use a bit of refinment.
Part: 10/10 - Had a great amount of participation in the competition.
Judges: 3/5 - No crashs, but with only 1 level their wasn't much to do.
Overall: 69
Diorama is a game that feels similar in style to Little Big Planet, focusing on physics based obstacles to work around. Granted it was mostly just a teeter tout, the feel was still the same. Unfortuantly it only features one level which gives you only a minor impression of what the game could have been. The controls were also a bit phinicky, i felt like you moved faster than you should have, and caused more of my problems for staying on platforms then anything else. Diorama is overall a short game, but one i see potential in.
Team: Herd of Nerd - doboss, supervacanea, makokvak:
Game: The Older Rolls - Toys are Alive!
Game Link: https://www.gamedev.net/index.php?app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&attach_id=23980
Archive Folder: /The Older Rolls/
Platform: Windows
Gameplay: 20/25 - The concept is pretty nice, and there's a mild number of items you can find and equip.
Graphics: 15/20 - Mostly polygonal shapes, and flat colors for alot of it, not too bad, but could have been better.
Theme: 10/20 - I get the feeling you are a kid imagining all this stuff, none of the enemys look very much like toys however.
Audio: 7/10 - Not bad audio, but didn't feel like everything fit together.
UX: 6/10 - Took a little bit to understand how to do everything.
Part: 7/10 - had pretty decent amount of participation.
Judges: 5/5 - no crashing or anything, and the idea was pretty fun.
Overall: 70
This is a project that i think suffered from the scope of the idea. Clearly they wanted to do alot, and they did do alot, but the scope leaves much of the game feeling empty, or incomplete. There were a good number of items though to play with, everything from a golf club, to a sword, to a rack to kill stuff with, as well as using a toy tank to throw at enemys was pretty fun. I played the game until i had killed everything i could find, there was also a minor story that involved trying to murder only what i assume is suppose to be the childs mom, but she was too powerful both times i tried to face her. Unfortuantly the game seemed to suffer from some slightly wonky collision, you can pass through any raised ground, and in the building i would feel like i was hitting invisible walls, or something was holding me from moving a certain direction, sometimes resorting to running backwards to get around in the building. At the end of the day for what was done in 7 days, it is pretty impressive, and i must give props to the team for what they accomplished.
Team: Rocket Powered Operatives - Latch, sugavanus, Robert
Game: The toys are alive
Game Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z5sor4pperh7b10/Rocket-Powered%20Operatives%20-%20The%20Tous%20Are%20Alive.zip?dl=0
Archive Folder: /ToysAreAlive/
Platform: windows
Gameplay: 10/25 - The game mostly consisted of running from A to B.
Graphics: 15/20 - The player model and enemys could use work, but the environment looked great.
Theme: 10/20 - It looks like your fighting toy soldiers.
Audio: 7/10 - Audio is pretty well done, nice eriy background music, with footsteps all around.
UX: 5/10 - The controls could have used some work, the gun seems overall pointless.
Part: 7/10 - Had an alright amount of participation.
Judges: 3/5 - While it never crashed, it also didn't feel like much of a game.
Overall: 57
First off let me say that the environment looks great, but it seems it's at odds with the player and enemy's, as they both appear to be white models that are in severe need of texturing. The controls needed some serious work though, i found in the input buttons "z" is for targeting, but it seems to just prevent the player from turning with the camera, so trying to aim your weapon felt like it was nearly impossible(nor am i sure it actually does anything.) so for the most part i simply ran past enemys, and eventually found the exit. I deceided to play one more time and check out the environment, which while interesting didn't offer anything extra to the game. There's not much left i feel i can say, This just felt like something that was a basis for more, but that more didn't meet the deadline it seems.
Thanks for everything! very detailed and well-put thread.
Never expected to finish 4th at any of the judges rankings, I'm thankful!
Might continue working on it if I'll find the time :)
Thanks for the review. Yeah the toys and player textures were made sometime after the competetion ended. I spent soo much time on character controller [walking, jumping] and the camera to work perfectly. 4 days spent on it and I couldn't polish the AI movements + the shooting controls. Waiting for next years competetion.
Thanks for your great work with this competition!
I'm relieved I didn't end last :) Hopefully next time I will be able to put more time in on a more finished game.
I hope so too, as you had a great idea for this years, can't wait to see what you bring to the table next year!Thanks for your great work with this competition!
I'm relieved I didn't end last :) Hopefully next time I will be able to put more time in on a more finished game.
Super, long thread.... but very good read! Thank you for all the effort
Thanks for the review and sorry for the bugs! :)