ASCII Madness II and Tutorials

Published August 05, 2005
Well, it's been a long time - here are two updates in one!

First up, ASCII Madness II. It's a text-mode scene demo that runs in the Windows console using characters from the extended ASCII set to produce the effects.
You can download it (and the source) from here.

Next up are some simple tutorials. Oldschool graphics stuff, I'm afraid, but hopefully someone will find them of interest. [smile] They are presented in the form that I would have liked to have read... and I know that I'm not very conventional in my learning style.
I'd be interested to see if the demo apps (blobs, tunnel) work fine - I've had one complaint that they can't find a particular DLL, which is a bit odd.
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Rob Loach
That's so sexy... And yes, the demo apps work on my end.
August 05, 2005 10:18 PM
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