They say that pictures are what make a journal interesting... but I don't really want to show the pretty pictures I have, as they'd spoil the surprise. Of what, you might ask? Well, I've been developing a TI-83/83+ scene demo, entitled "Microhertz" (for no particular reason). You can download it (and some screenshots, if you really must!) here.
Things have been very busy - a new Latenite beta, riddled with all new exciting "features" (*cough*), has been released... I'm slowly fixing them as and when I can [smile]
It's a bit rubbish for debugging - you can start, pause, and stop a debugging session, but that's about it. Hopefully it won't be too long until I get around to actually sorting out all the debugging gubbins, but I'd rather get the main IDE and the primitive debugging more stable first.
One other TI project I'm working on is updating QuadPlayer. I have a 1.1 version which can play songs from the archive as well as RAM, has a loop function and other little fixes and tweaks. To complement it, I've written a simpler script for creating your own songs, a better Windows-based player for testing (which simulates QuadPlayer's internal sound generation system and has accurate timing) and (best of all) am working on a program that takes PSG VGM files (BBC Micro, Sega Master System &c) and converts them to QuadPlayer songs. So far, any songs that do "exciting" things - vibrato, for example - end up sounding horrible in high octaves (I'm having to limit 10-bit to 8-bit periods), but I have some very decent sounding QuadPlayer files based on Sega VGMs. Some songs use lots of short, fast notes - which sounds great on dedicated hardware, but when you have a delay as QuadPlayer stops outputting a square wave to fetch the next note, sounds crap.
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TI-83 Plus Mouse
February 13, 2006 09:15 AM
The 92 has a different CPU, and I haven't seen any 83/83+ emulators for the 92...
Here's a blurry and slightly corrupted GIF - it's 2MB!
Here's a blurry and slightly corrupted GIF - it's 2MB!
February 13, 2006 10:48 AM
the gif rocked.
I wonder how complicated the asm code must be. do you think about uploading it at pouet?
I wonder how complicated the asm code must be. do you think about uploading it at pouet?
February 13, 2006 03:39 PM
The source code is in the zip file - it's not too complex, but there is a fairly heavy use of self-modifying code in places which makes things a little confusing. [wink]
I've added it to, after fixing a couple of things in the source.
I've added it to, after fixing a couple of things in the source.
February 14, 2006 05:47 AM
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can I somehow run it without the 83/ with the 92?