Automatoys: Artside of The Moon

Published September 25, 2014
So I found a title for my game. It shall be called "Automatoys"!

And since I'm such a helpless introvert who's unable to make more friends than the number of fingers I have intact, I of course failed to secure the help of an artist. Therefore, I am forced to make my own arts dry.png

How does an introvert hobbyist game programmer make an art? The answer is... PAINT!

Yes, that Paint. The software bundled into every iteration of consumer Windows since Win95 (or was it 3.1? Who cares...). And accompanying it are the ever faithful GIMP and Spriter. However, even with the aid of such venerable software collection, I'm still going at a snail's pace. Guess I'm just not cut out to be an artist, after all.

Anyway, here are two spritesheets I managed to make. These are for the bases, the third one is in the making. After that, the torsos, and after that, the mountable parts. Hopefully I can finish them all in two days. After that, the code part begins. These nights are gonna be sleepless...



Okay, I'm going back to drawing things manually.
Previous Entry An idea, finally!
6 likes 4 comments



I actually like your artwork, looks awesome!

September 25, 2014 11:35 AM
I am a fan as well. I appreciate hand drawn asymmetrical art.
September 25, 2014 01:03 PM
Looks good, im tempted to give those spritesheets a try haha, Im really curious of how to look animated
September 25, 2014 01:21 PM

Looks good, im tempted to give those spritesheets a try haha, Im really curious of how to look animated

Go ahead. They're not licensed, so feel free to use them.

September 26, 2014 12:38 PM
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