The Week of Awesome II - Day 4.9 - Alpha Release

Published September 26, 2014
Here is a gameplay screenshot: A couple of abstracty monsters face off against a few of the toy units. Piggy Bank, Robot, Teddy Bear.

Previous Entry:

I busted my bottom today, and got the basics of the Turn Based combat working. The codebase is now a precariously balanced house of cards thanks to lack of sleep, and shoot-from-the-hip speedy development. [font=arial]Some eye-candy made it in, but no visual combat effects, and no music made it in yet. Only a couple of sound effects so far. I'm running out of steam so you can find the instructions inside. [/font]


  • Move camera with Arrow Keys or WASD
  • Zoom in and out with mouse wheel.

    Deploy units phase:

    • Toys deploy at the bottom of the map.
    • "buy" units by clicking the button.
    • Left clicking places the unit in your colored deployment zone.
    • Right clicking cancels placement.
    • You can also pick up a unit you placed and cancel that placement as well.

      Combat Phase:

      • Buttons don't do much except for End Turn.
      • Left-Click selects units.
      • Right-Click orders units to:
      • Attack an enemy if you click on him (and he's close enough)
      • Move if you right click on open ground.

        Data Files:

        • You can also mess around with Data/GameSettingsData.xml to change the unit's stats, level size, etc.

          Some cool features:
          You can turn on AI for either side. Or another player can control the monsters.
          The unit stats (and several other pieces) are data driven via xml files, so you can fiddle with the play style.

          Tomorrow is going to be all about bug fixes, and polish. I'm hoping to wire up music, sound effects, combat visual effects, cut scenes, and probably more. Then there's more combat features I'd like to add like firing arcs, something more with the Hope system, and even more features that likely won't make the deadline.

          I attached the zip file of the alpha to the journal entry here.

          In case that doesn't work, I made a dropbox link as well.

          Try not to be too harsh. The Beta will hopefully be better. smile.png

          - Eck

          Next Entry:

8 likes 6 comments



It could use some instructions on how to attack :)

September 26, 2014 01:48 PM

There's a text file labeled instructions, but I edited my post to add them here. Sorry for not including it sooner, but I was crashing hard last night.

September 26, 2014 01:51 PM

There's a text file labeled instructions, but I edited my post to add them here. Sorry for not including it sooner, but I was crashing hard last night.

No problem :)

Tomorrow is going to be all about bug fixes

Or you could label them as features...

I saw a picture describing the difference between bugs and features: One is better dressed.

September 26, 2014 02:05 PM

grats on alpha release :)

September 26, 2014 05:43 PM

Nice alpha :)

J'aime soh!

September 26, 2014 06:02 PM

@Stormynature, @TheMasterRat - Thanks a lot guys. 14 downloads so far, and no one has complained that their computer has burst into flames, so I call that an alpha-release-win.

My wife worked up the slides for a story and I slapped some music in there (which took bloody forever). Next I'm going for sound effects, more visual effects, and cleaning up the clunky UI. I hope to upload another version later today.

September 26, 2014 07:19 PM
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