So much more we wanted to do. I wanted more levels. I wanted more audio. I wanted more polish. I wanted to redo art. There isn't time for such things in a 7 day window. I hope you guys enjoy the game. It has drained the both of us. I am looking forward to taking a break from gamedev for a little while after this.
I set out to do this competition to simply gain experience creating a game from beginning to end. After two days my goal was to win. I scaled back my ambition and said I would be happy with top 5. Now that I am finished; what I really care about is how much closer Bohee and I have gotten and the tribulations we got through. We're a stronger couple now because of it.
"Now that I am finished; what I really care about is how much closer Bohee and I have gotten and the tribulations we got through. We're a stronger couple now because of it."
Congratulations you have completed level 1 "Being a Couple" and are now ready to face level 2 "OMG Did you use my razor!"
grats on completion