Week of Awesome II #7 Submission!

posted in WoA II Journal
Published September 28, 2014
As predicted, day 6 was nearly non-existent. Also failed to add more levels. It's 2 am in my timezone now, 10 hours before the deadline, but I really need some sleep and never had the ability to stay up all night anyway.

Was hoping to make some colored moving platforms. Coding will be fast, but designing a level with it won't.

So here is my final submission of "Your Soul Alone", unless I can do some more change when I wake up next morning (probably not).

DirectX runtime http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=35
Visual C++ 2012 redist http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=30679

None required. extract and execute ursa.exe.

Joy Stick is supported. Button names displayed in-game can be changed by config.exe.
By allowing replay auto upload upon first start up I can collected data of how the game is progressed. Please allow it if possible.
Clear time calculation is bugged.

For more challenges:
Every platform has its' own purpose. Try to find it!
Also multiple ways to get back to the beginning just before the end.
3 likes 2 comments


hey mate you still did fine work altogether, i'm getting all the submission info worked up right now, and i extended the competition by 1 hour, so hopefully you'll find a little extra time to be helpful =-)
September 28, 2014 11:36 PM

Congratulations on reaching the submission stage. Hopefully you will have recovered some of you sleep loss and more importantly I hope that the sheer craziness of your last week has been a great experience and good times. Well done!

September 29, 2014 06:31 AM
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