Day 3

Published September 25, 2014

Well I started late, after trying to think up an idea I decided to make a little sim game. Not sure how much time I'll have to spend on it though.[/background]


Check out the first room, and my limited artistic ability.[/background]


The Last Toy in the Toy Box[/background]


Road Map:[/background]


  • More Rooms:

    • The Nursery

    • The upstairs hall.

    • The bad girls room

    • The dark attic

    • The creepy staircase

    • The living room

    • The deadly kitchen

    • The scary basement

    • Two more toy characters that can be found to joy teddi on his quest.
    • Puzzles
    • Problems
    • Challenges
    • More Story
    • Multiple Endings

      Well the time is already half over and I've only managed about 5 hours of work.
      Not sure where the game is going yet. But I'm thinking two good endings

      Ending 1 - Teddi and friends escape the house. Goal build some kind vehicle that they can use cross the endless lawn to world beyond.
      Ending 2 - Save the house. Harder to achieve requires removing the curse on the house and braving the harder areas like the attic and basement.

      Still trying to figure out what 2 toy friends to add they should each be unique and provide ways of solving problems that teddi can't solve.
      Thinking of a broken ballerina doll which you repair with an arm and leg from a toy soldier.

      Any suggestion for the second friend?
Next Entry A long two days
3 likes 2 comments



Curious about this one.

Maybe a slinky friend could have some skills others don't have (can reach higher/further, and doesn't occupy much space but leaves most of the heavy lifting to teddy?)

September 26, 2014 03:48 AM

I like the artwork. It has the elements of making a nice little dark piece of work.

September 26, 2014 05:29 PM
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