I started today by making some much needed UI. Hearts to show your remaining life, and spirit life. The red heart is your current life, and the silver outline is your spirit health. Earlier I was thinking these two sets of hearts would be near eachother, but not on top of eachother. Once it occured to me that I could do the spirit health as an outline, I decided to make you resurrect with life equal to your spirit health, so it feels even more important to protect yourself while you're dead. Spirit life regenerates over time while you're alive, so sometimes after regenerating spirit life you might want to die to resurrect with full health.
I spent most of today making a tutorial. There are a lot of little things to explain, like clicking to attack vs hold & release to charge an attack, raising dead, dying to pick up mana, ect. It starts with words on the ground telling you to move, and words to the right that you can't see until after you've moved. I try to follow that pattern of making you do a thing before giving you the next piece of info, and teach players that getting killed can be a good thing before giving them any threats.
I also added blessed versions of enemies, that can damage you while in spirit mode. Here's the game so far with no sound!
Tomorrow I can only work a few hours, so my main priority has to be sound. I also need a title. Beyond that, maybe I'll make a couple more skeleton types, that you get from raising different enemies. I thought about having some tougher skeletons from tougher enemies, because it sucks when you kill some paladins and only get a few wimpy skeletons out of it. Also, it was the first thing TheChubu and Alpha_ProgDes suggested when trying the demo, so I should probably get to that if I have the time. I also have ideas for a boss that kind of mirrors your own character, but I probably don't have time for it.
I spent most of today making a tutorial. There are a lot of little things to explain, like clicking to attack vs hold & release to charge an attack, raising dead, dying to pick up mana, ect. It starts with words on the ground telling you to move, and words to the right that you can't see until after you've moved. I try to follow that pattern of making you do a thing before giving you the next piece of info, and teach players that getting killed can be a good thing before giving them any threats.
I also added blessed versions of enemies, that can damage you while in spirit mode. Here's the game so far with no sound!
Tomorrow I can only work a few hours, so my main priority has to be sound. I also need a title. Beyond that, maybe I'll make a couple more skeleton types, that you get from raising different enemies. I thought about having some tougher skeletons from tougher enemies, because it sucks when you kill some paladins and only get a few wimpy skeletons out of it. Also, it was the first thing TheChubu and Alpha_ProgDes suggested when trying the demo, so I should probably get to that if I have the time. I also have ideas for a boss that kind of mirrors your own character, but I probably don't have time for it.
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Day 5: Power Ups, progression, and defeat
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Lich: Day 7
very fun imo, excellent concept. with 1 day left i hope you'll be able to get all the last things in you need!
August 16, 2015 05:12 PM
Pretty fun game. I got to the point of the archers. The challenge seemed just right and was pretty interesting to keep playing on.
I liked the concept as well, and that perma death happened while you were “dead” trying to collect more mana. Also the hearts with the silver outline for the spirit health was a really good idea.
My one critique is that the instruction are behind the npcs and I couldn't see that I needed to die until after a while.
August 18, 2015 09:44 PM
I like the idea of instructions being in the back ground, but you're right, that practically it doesn't always work well, especially when enemies die on top of the words. I think I'll work on the tutorial a bit more to improve that.
August 19, 2015 01:50 AM
Latest Entries
Lich: Post Jam
Lich: Day 7
Day 6: UI, Tutorial and a Demo!
Day 5: Power Ups, progression, and defeat
Day 4: Ranged attacks and more magic
Enemy Variety and Spirit Realm
Enemy Attacks and movement
Shooting and raising skeletons