Work Smarter .. apparently (Part 2) - Work Smarterer

Published February 12, 2011
Okay lets go over the setup for mercurial api project creation.

i went with a simple batch file as i'd never done anything substantial using them.

you'll also need Curl (this is what i used to send the get requests)

Here is the code i used


@ECHO off

set /p _folder=FolderName:

call ToLower %_folder% >temp.tmp

set /p _folder_lower=
del temp.tmp

echo ------------------------------- >Setup.log

echo --- Creating Mercurial Repo --- >>Setup.log

echo ------------------------------- >>Setup.log

echo. >>Setup.log

curl -X POST -d "name=%_folder%&is_private=true" -u [UserName Here]:[Password Here] -k >>Setup.log

echo. >>Setup.log

echo ------------------------------ >>Setup.log

echo --- Cloning Mercurial Repo --- >>Setup.log

PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

echo ------------------------------ >>Setup.log


echo ------------------------------ >>Setup.log

echo --- Cloning Mercurial Repo --- >>Setup.log

echo. >>Setup.log

hg clone http://[UserName Here]:[Password Here][UserName Here]/%_folder_lower% %_folder% >>Setup.log

echo. >>Setup.log

echo ------------------------------ >>Setup.log

echo ---------------------------------- >>Setup.log

echo --- Creating Local Directories --- >>Setup.log

echo ---------------------------------- >>Setup.log

echo. >>Setup.log

echo empty > %_folder%\.empty

mkdir %_folder%\Design

echo %_folder%\Design >>Setup.log

echo empty > %_folder%\Design\.empty

mkdir %_folder%\Assets

echo %_folder%\Assets >>Setup.log

echo empty > %_folder%\Assets\.empty

mkdir %_folder%\Deliverables

echo %_folder%\Deliverables >>Setup.log

echo empty > %_folder%\Deliverables\.empty

mkdir %_folder%\Source

echo %_folder%\Source >>Setup.log

echo empty > %_folder%\Source\.empty

mkdir %_folder%\TestFolder

echo %_folder%\TestFolder >>Setup.log

echo empty > %_folder%\TestFolder\.empty

mkdir %_folder%\Markting

echo %_folder%\Marketing >>Setup.log

echo empty > %_folder%\Marekting\.empty

echo. >>Setup.log

echo ---------------------------------- >>Setup.log

echo --- Adding Files to Repository --- >>Setup.log

echo ---------------------------------- >>Setup.log

echo. >>Setup.log

cd %_folder%

hg add >>./Setup.log

hg commit -m "Project Setup" >>./Setup.log

hg push >>./Setup.log

cd ..

echo. >>Setup.log

echo ---------- Done ------------- >>Setup.log

move Setup.log %_folder%


It takes a single argument which is a folder/project name

Most of what it does is pretty standard but i'll go over some of the more interesting parts.

set /p _folder=FolderName:

call ToLower %_folder% >temp.tmp

set /p _folder_lower=
del temp.tmp

This is neede because the project names in butbucket have some issues with capitalised names and was the best method i coudl find for lowercasing a string.

all it does is uses ToLower and saves it out, then reads it in to a variable called _folder_lower

I had some trouble with getting the result of ToLower to save directly to a variable which is why i used this method, feel free to swap with something less ugly.

curl -X POST -d "name=%_folder%&is_private=true" -u [UserName Here]:[Password Here] -k >>Setup.log

This creates the project in bitbucket, i won't go into detail about the curls syntax as its pretty well documented however the properties i am passing are:



As i said previously, bitbucket allow private repositories which is what the is_private variable is for.

PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

I found this to be almost always needed, it gives some space between the creation of the project and the first cloning of the repository

mkdir %_folder%\Design

echo empty > %_folder%\Design\.empty

This is a mercurial requirement, it only stores files(as opposed to folders) so to have the folders in the repository structure you need to add a file to them.

I chose a .empty file

you can remove these once you add someting else to the folder.

After this i add the newly created .empty files, commit to the local repository and push to the bitbucket repo.

Job done.

It is very ugly and could probably be much prettier/more efficient, but it does the job so i leave it alone.

also the directory structure is my own personal preference, there is no reason you cannot substitute your own folder structure(provided you add.empty files to each folder)

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