I also fixed a lot of random bugs. Earlier, coins in the death stage couldn't be collected, now they are worth 10 poins, and considering how many of them there are, you will beat your death penalty with no real difficulty. I also increased the number of astroids and there speed to make it harder.
Score is now displayed when you are dead, and time also, but greyed out.
Enemies now move in a random angle, instead of a random multiple of 45.
I also added a soundtrack, and while it really matches the style, I think my speakers can't really handle it since it sometimes turns into ugly schreeching. I heard somewhere that that indicated a bitrate problem, but I don't know, I am no expert on music. If anyone knows how to fix this, a hint would be nice.
I also made some speed improvements, and I changed the death world background to a diamond shape to differentiate it.