Toy on a Mission UE4 Remix - Day 85

Published February 05, 2016

Hello everyone.

First journal entry about the UE4 Remix of "Toy on a Mission" from the "Weak Of Awesome II"

85 days after project start.
It is very similar to the original, There have been some improvements.

Taking Uncle Eck's Advice: I have been kinda lazy, I have missed two deadlines( features implemented, Levels built, testing ).
I was supposed to have a build with:

  • Checkpoints/Saves
  • Some puzzle elements
  • Surfaces the player sticks to like velcro/magnet
  • Cleaned up art assets.

    Got the basics more or less sorted out.
    It is (mostly) the same as from the WoAIII, But better (Movement, Level design).

Player movement:
[indent=1]You roll around with force and torque applied, So you have more responsive movement and is visually more pleasant.
[indent=1]You can jump off any surface, Drop from in mid-air (I need some kind of explenation for this dry.png as it is not "normal" )
[indent=1]You can engage a Turbo mode that currently doubles your move speed, Along with an "air-brake" that slows lateral movement to help you jump onto narrow edges.

[indent=1]Jumping/Dropping/Brakes drain energy, So that makes management of movement (more) important as you cannot just keep jumping all the time.

(Main) Things to do:

  • Enemies: (Energy draining spheres), ?
  • Pickups: Energy, Speed mult, ?
  • Gameplay: Surfaces that you stick to like Velcro, Energy charging station.
  • Art: Start prototyping with a texture filter that will divide textures up into N blocks and average them and put them back together with a N pixel/block border.
  • Drive values from config files.
  • Add sound effects to the different things.

I may be hitting a bit of feature creep, Already had one or two things that were not needed.

I have been looking at different post processing effects to give a more cartoony look, This is using the materials based off the "Stylized Rendering" community example by Epic.
Here is a quick screenshot of the game, More to come smile.png

And here is a test map( It's the map that comes with the Rolling template )
The cyan coloured objects are platforms that lerp between two markers when the player is on them.
The collection of eight rectangles with two smily faces is a door I have been working on( The only way I can get it animated is to import each rectangle as a separate skeletal mesh other wise I cannot get animations to work, I probably just need to look (harder) at how to animate a multi part object that does not have any links )

I am also looking at making some demo videos for youtube, But I am going to have to look at a video editor (I believe Blender can do this).

I plan on doing a Journal entry every Friday to document progress.

That's all for now.
Any suggestions?

2 likes 2 comments



A nice lazy half-step is to go with animated GIFs instead of youtube. It can be a nice way to give a brief glimpse into gameplay without having the reader hit play on a video. I don't think it replaces the need for videos, but they can compliment each other nicely.

February 08, 2016 05:03 PM
Woot! Someone read my journal and took my advice. biggrin.png

The important part of that bit of Uncle Eck's advice is calling yourself out when you are lazy. Looks like you're getting back to the grindstone so that's good.

So far the level looks a lot cleaner than your game jam entry. And I'm always a big proponent for data-driving applications.

If you're going to make gifs, I recommend GifCam

For videos, I started out with Fraps, but that can't record a Unity Editor window for some reason. Now I use Open Broadcast Software to record videos.
February 08, 2016 11:56 PM
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