Game Jolt - Looking for staff!

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-1 comments, last by CROS 19 years, 8 months ago
Hey everyone. I own a freeware gaming site called Game Jolt - Anyways, the point is that I don't have too much time to update it anymore, plus it is too much for just me to manage. I am looking for a person-or a few people-that have wanted to start a similar website but didn't have the abilities, or that currently has a freeware gaming site, but thinks this one is better and would like to manage it. The requirements are that you basically have a passion for games and would like to manage a team, telling them what to do, etc. You will also need plenty of time... that is a big downfall for many people. I would still be updating the scripts for the site and the graphics. I would just need you to manage the staff and add content yourself through the control panel I made. Anyways, if anyone is willing to manage it entirely, or just help fill some staff positions on the site, it would be greatly appreciated if you could reply or PM or email me at -CROS P.S. This should probably be in the help wanted forum... sorry didn't see it before. A mod can delete it if they want to. [Edited by - CROS on August 26, 2004 8:18:07 PM]

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