The First Odyssey - Sci-Fi Survival Horror

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0 comments, last by SphaeraStudios 2 years, 5 months ago

Introduction :

Hi! I'm here to announce the development of "The First Odyssey". The project is already 3 months in production, and we plan to release a demo version soon. The game is very inspired by recent games in the Resident Evil franchise, bringing a rich story, with strong elements of "Survival Horror". We are a team of 2 indie developers residing in Brazil, and we are making the game on a tight budget of $1500. We plan to release the entire version of the game by the end of January 2022.

See below for a preview of the game's features.

In the video above, we didn't include the game's enemies, as they are still in the polishing stage.

Game Plot:

Everything will happen in the not too distant future where a very influential company called Vortex, and its subsidiary Imperium, popularized several streaming categories, one of them being the "Battle Royale", being the target audience of this category, made up of the most popular people. richest in the world.

Early in the game, you discover that something very bad has happened at Imperium's premises, and with no means of defense, the only way is to survive and hide from hostilities.


We are totally open to suggestions and criticisms.


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