Elite Game Music Collection released on the Unity Asset Store!

Published March 25, 2020 (updated March 25, 2020 08:17 PM)

The Most High-End Game Music Collection Ever - AAA Quality Guaranteed!

The Indie Devs Nation is now very pleased to announce the release of the Elite Game Music Collection on the Unity Asset Store. With more than 2 years in development, this new package is the follow-up to the acclaimed Colossal Game Music Collection (150+ five star ratings) and sets a new quality standard in royalty free game music, featuring 20 high-end music packs for an incredibly low price.

In this huge collection you'll find more than 6 GB of diverse music content, with styles as varied as Fantasy, Horror, Synthwave, Casual, Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi, 8bit, Action, Rock, Metal, Asian, Emotional, Piano, Middle-Eastern, Adventure, Ambient... and multiple loop versions of the original tracks are available, so that you can easily use them in your games.

The greatest news, however, is that, not only the standard price already represents a discount of over 80% of the real value of $285 of the individual packs, but we are also having a special intro sale, selling it with 60% OFF for a very short period of time. So make sure to grab it while you can!

Unity Asset Store link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/audio/music/orchestral/elite-game-music-collection-162377

Track previews: https://soundcloud.com/t-i-d-n-music/sets/elite-game-music-collection

Here's the full list of packs included:
- Action Music Vol. V
- Adventure Music Vol. II
- Apocalyptic Music Vol. II
- Asian Music Vol. II
- Heavy Metal Vol. IV
- Sci-Fi Music Vol. IV
- Horror Music Vol. III
- Synthwave Vol. I
- Casual Music Vol. II
- Fantasy Music Vol. II
- Rock Music Vol. II
- Ambient Music Vol. I
- Action Music Vol. IV
- Emotional Music Vol. II
- Chiptunes Vol. II
- Piano Music Vol. IV
- Middle Eastern Music Vol. I
- Sci-Fi Music Vol. III
- Heavy Metal Vol. III
- Piano Music Vol. III

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