pygame book

Published October 31, 2019

The pygame book project has begun. It's called "pygame 4000" and is a book project by one of the main contributors of the pygame project.

pygame book

Not only does the book aim to cover Python programming, but also aims to cover C, and the GLSL shading language.

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pygame 4000 available as an early preview pre-release on the pygame book itch page. Updates will be posted on the pygame book developer web log.

pygame is the most popular game/art/and music library available for the most popular programming language in the world -- Python. pygame is used in school classes, university courses, and workshops around the world. It's used in embedded devices like handheld game consoles, in video synthesizers, museum displays, and interactive art installations. It's available in over 130 different OS distributions, including on the Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu, and MacOS. All funds from the pygame 4000 book go towards pygame development and improvements to the pygame 4000 book.

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Will it contain any fixes for sluggish pyGame on OSx and specifically Big Sur?

May 15, 2021 09:36 PM

cool really

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