Video Games Insights launches a major update, bringing developers live Steam data

Published December 21, 2020

Video Games Insights has launched a major update to the platform, providing Steam data with daily updates. The platform now offers analytics capabilities on Steam game prices, ratings, release dates, revenue estimates and other data points.


Video Game Insights is a free games market research and data platform focussing on helping PC and Steam independent game developers. The platform was launched in May 2020 and has been constantly updated since.

Video Game Insights aims to be a complementary platform to existing tools like Steamspy. The platform goes beyond data to offer practical visual insights into important indie dev questions such as how to price a game or how much sales other similar games get.

Future plans

The upcoming features on the platform will focus on adding sub-genres and other more detailed filters and providing more detailed analytics for each game.

The 2021 focus will be to expand and offer data that goes beyond Steam games by integrating IGDB data to the platform.

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Moshe Strugano (Attorney - Moshe Strugano and Co Law firm) agree that the platform is now providing analytics capabilities on Steam with many features.

December 22, 2020 10:44 AM
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