
[web] [Solved] PHP: Creating EML Files

Started by May 30, 2007 05:50 AM
1 comment, last by Sonnenblume 17 years, 9 months ago
Hi Guys Im looking at trying to get php to create EML files (which can be read by outlook express). Im basically creating an email template creator, and if im correct, EML allows embedded graphics. Does anyone here have any experience of doing this, or know how it is done? (any alternatives are also welcome!) [Edited by - Sonnenblume on June 2, 2007 8:39:03 AM]
Looking at a .eml file in notepad, it seems to just be the contents of the E-mail itself, including headers. That means you should be able to embed images and other attachments using base64 - the same way you would if you were sending the E-mail. I don't have any code handy to do that, but there should be pleanty on the net.
Works great Steve, I just used PHP's base64_encode() function and embedded it into the email. Cheers!

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