As for the actual idea, seems 'way out there' in terms of concept
Because nearly everything is polyhedral in games (with a few spherical exceptions) in terms of collision detection, it seems like converting to frequency space with all the associated ringing problems there in would be counter intuitive...
Can you summarise the main advantages of your technique?
Cheers, Paul.
Sure! The Fourier representation proposed in the paper is formally equivalent to working with a "fuzzy voxelized" version of a solid. You can think of the collision test in the following way:
1. Take all your solid objects (for example a polyhedral mesh) and convert them to a voxelized representation.
2. For each of these voxelized objects, blur them, for example with a Gaussian filter. (This is also equivalent to offsetting the solids some amount).
3. Now when you want to check if two solids collide, you basically compute the amount of overlap volume between their two fuzzy representations; if this overlap volume is very close to 0, you say the solids don't intersect, or if it is very high you say they collide.
(Bonus) If you also want to figure out how to push the two objects apart, you can take the gradient of this overlap volume and use it to generate a normal force. It is also possible to use the same idea to generate rotational separation forces too! So you get free collision forces without having to find contact points!
Now the tricky part is basically figuring out how to make all of this reasonably fast. The way you do this is that instead of working with voxel images, you work with Fourier coefficients. It can be shown that this is in fact exactly the same thing as working with blurry voxel images; or alternatively it is equivalent to doing collision detection between offset solids. The fewer coefficients you use, the more you end up offsetting the solid/blurring the voxel map. Also, since we are using Fourier coefficients, we can compute the gradients for the collision test for free by just using some basic calculus which makes finding the Jacobian for collision forces really easy.
In terms of what kind of geometry you could use this with, it would work really well with bitmap images in a 2D game, or in a 3D version you could use precalculated voxelized geometry to approximate your meshes.
EDIT: And to address the question about ringing, this turns out to be quite fixable if you use a good blurring process. In fact, the method described in this paper provably has no ringing artifacts.