This video explains better what I'm trying to do than the subject title can:
This video is of a ship attempting to keep itself level after being hit with balls. Currently it's unstable. But that is not the issue I am currently working on.
The ship determines which thrusters to fire based on its current orientation, location, and velocity. But for this ship, I hardcode "if x orientation is negative, activate bottom front thruster", etc to provide torque to attempt to level the ship again.
What I would like to be able to do is, just given a set of arbitrary thruster locations, and arbitrary thruster force vectors (the vector pointing in the direction the thruster applies force and its magnitude), automatically determine which thrusters to fire to achieve a net force on the object of a desired magnitude in a desired location.
I don't know where to start -- any pointer to papers on the subject would be great (I have access to journal articles through school).