It takes a lot of effort to sort of "figure out" the architecture that you build inside of the editor. But once you already understand that architecture I think its absolutely plausible to begin working with copy/paste hierarchies to make your own content. Game development is the compiling of graphics/scripts/actors/blueprints inside of an editor followed by the creation and distribution of applications to run the game on a server in tandem with a database and website. I believe it can be done mathematically one step at a time. Game development can be done modularly(based on templates) and in a scientific fashion. And I truly do believe it is just a matter of "figuring it out"... meaning if you can't learn to make your game quickly... just give up... because the tools are there. You shouldn't spend years just staring at an editor which tells you that you have a million errors. If anything in my opinion you should be spending years making graphics for your game. All the architecture for the mechanics should be able to be created in a format which should allow you to create content with hierarchies via templates. And I think that you should be able to make these templates for your game in a matter of hours. If it takes you longer than a matter of hours... it means... again... that you are "trying to figure out" wtf you are doing.
I think content creation should be limitless(that's my main point). I think anything in my "content outline" could have a template made for it. After the templates were made, you could make new hierarchies. You would just need to edit the templates a little and combine them correctly.
The problem is... I'm never going to learn to program games. The reason I'm never going to learn is because I would need someone to show me exactly how to do what I want to do step by step from scratch. I'm too stupid and unmotivated to learn on my own. I have never wasted my time attempting to learn game development... while as I'm sure other people have. Someone teaching you how to do something "step by step" by simply explaining something to you is far more valuable and easy then learning on your own... and I think most people can't learn on their own anyways. I'm sure there are tons of people who have been so called "learning" for years and can't produce anything at all. But if these same people knew someone who knew exactly what they were doing and this special someone were to show them EXACTLY what to do... they would be able to learn.
My main belief is that I think people should make content from templates... provided someone else would make the templates and show you how to make content with them. And I don't think the construction of these templates would take a long time either.
Meaning that there would need to be some sort of community that would share my views to the tee.
My main views are that:
1. 2000 total hours from an individual not a team is plenty of time to create an MMO worthy of playing.
2. There is absolutely no limit to how much content you can create. Content can be created via copy/paste hierarchies.
I would love to be able to put together a few things inside an editor and build a nice little game application. And perhaps I could start learning a little bit with Rhino and Blender and Photoshop and the "Shooter Game" from Unreal. But what I want is obviously very complicated... a huge game with tons of features.
My game concept ...(
Everyone on the internet says making an MMO requires a large team. But I believe taking a multiplayer FPS and adding MMO features(equipment, leveling etc) then making it run on a larger server and connect to more clients and save their progress is possible for an individual. I believe someone could demonstrate the foundation for a FPSMMO inside of an editor in a few hours... especially if they already had everything built and they were just trying to show you how to make content.
I think it would be cool if companies would put together blank games complete with tutorial videos. These blank games would be project files with templates inside of them. The tutorials would teach you how to make content from the templates. The companies would have to figure out how to build the mechanics for the game... and construct the templates too. Building the game mechanics should not be a difficult task. I'm sure there are plenty of geniuses who could build a "blank game" in a few hours.
Once the architecture for the whole game is explained in tutorial format with a blank project file ready to be distributed, launched, and updated... it should be very easy to add content. I'll list literally the only content you could possibly create for my game concept in the content outline. Granted its still a lot... and creating enough content for this game to be good would take some work(if a human were to do it anyways).
Content creation outline ...(
Two more pastes that are part of this document
For a much simpler project, I wanted to make models for characters and skin them to bones and make simple animation clips with move/rotate keyframes. Then make a simple multiplayer shooter based off of character controllers and projectiles and individually triggered animation clips. Then add simple MMO features.
But everyone says that multiplayer is amazingly complex. If I already know how to code a character shooting projectiles... then what is so amazingly complex about doing this on a server? It is such bullcrap that no matter what your idea is, even if its ridiculously simple, the people on the forums lie that its "complex" just because its multiplayer. I'm sure they could tell you in 20 minutes how to make a simple server.
Everyone tells you it takes years to learn. While I think all you need is project files and all-comprehensive step by step instructions. "All comprehensive" step by step instructions don't exist. Its a fucking conspiracy.
There is nothing amazingly complex about an inventory/class/ability system with a client/server, and simple projectiles and character controllers with individually triggered keyframed animation clips. A game could easily be made and with very expansive content using just the limited features in this paragraph. I even think it would be fun with thousands of players.
And even if everything in the previous paragraph has elements of complexity... there are tons of people who would know exactly how to put it together.
Technology is amazingly difficult to manufacture, but is easy enough to use. I believe the games can be put together quickly. Personally I don't even think 2000 hours is fast... but everyone on game dev forums thinks its ridiculously fast. The notion that there are actually dedicated hobbyists and professionals on these forums willing to spend years on games much much less complex than an MMO is insane. Who would want to work in this field if even a professional who is supposed to know exactly what he's doing can't even put together a simple MMO like two paragraphs ago?
Additional pastes about this document
Two other important points that are so important I decided to separate them:
You can not download a blank MMO project with step by step instructions on how to make content. Its unfortunate that evidently there is no one smart enough to make "blank MMOs".
One last paste
I believe that "leveling and equipment" or "multiteam/matchtype matchmaking" or "combo points and energy" have never been explored to their full potential. Nor has cross-genres of FPS/Fighting/RTS/driving game. I think games could be made 1,000,000 times better than anything on the market... just because I think that games can be made with way more expansive features and content. Imagine Virtua Fighter meets Halo meets StarCraft in MMO format... I truly think it is a conspiracy that no one has made a game like that.