This is something I have kind of avoided until now because I just did not want to bother with it, but how do I test what is the minimum android version my app should support in regards of performance? Until now I have just set minimum at the lowest and the target at the highest and hoped for the best. I understand that some players on the very low end might not be able to even play the game though because the performance will be so bad so that is really not so optimal for me.
I assume I should just go out and buy one android device of roughly each version, like one android device that is 2.3, one that is 3.0, one that is 4.0 etc. But are even devices of the same version of the same performance? Say I buy an android phone that is 4.0, can I count on it having roughly the same performance as other devices and tablets that are also 4.0?
It is all very confusing and I don't know how I can test out my app to get the performance right. Is there some kind of list of devices you should test on, on any given point in time to get the best ratio between userbase/performance to target? I assume the big companies, like Rovio and Supercell etc must have some cut of point where they decide what performance to target to maximice their userbase but at the same time not sacrifice all the eyecandy because they need to keep performance down.
Maybe even some recommendations on a list of devices to buy to test on?
How do you test and what is the lowest version you target?