Particle effects on UI elements in Unity

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0 comments, last by gofresh 3 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I have an Idea for a mobile game where there are lots of UI widgets in play. I chose Unity for simplicity but I ve come across problems. I tried their forums but got no interaction, so here we go.

I ve created Panels for each menu screen. There is main menu, when I click on a button, I show a Full screen panel (a sub menu). Problems are following:

  • All panels load at the same time on level load. Is there a way to lazy load panels at run time and cache them to speed up consequent uses ?
  • I cant make particles play on button clicks because the canvas render mode. I tried screen space camera but then adding items to the grid dynamically breaks the UI scaling and the effects size is tiny, barely visible. Is there a way to do this ?

I would appreciate any information you could give ?

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