Game Initialization

posted in JWColeman for project Gogger
Published November 10, 2018

I've spent the night shrinking the amount of code it takes to set up my map, goblin player, enemies, and triggers. Here is what I've come up with:


void Game::Initialize(HWND hWnd)
	// initialize engine components!
	renderer = new Renderer(hWnd);
	physics = new Physics();
	cam = renderer->getCamera();
	CSVReader reader;

	map = new Map(20, 100, TILESIZE_X, TILESIZE_Y);
	map->BuildMapFromFile(renderer, physics, reader.getData("../MyGame/MapFiles/gogger_Base.csv"), 1, FALSE);
	map->BuildMapFromFile(renderer, physics, reader.getData("../MyGame/MapFiles/gogger_Foliage.csv"), 2, TRUE);

	// set up game objects
	Game_Object * goblin = new Game_Object(renderer->RegisterSprite(SpriteID::GOBLIN, map->At(97, 10), 64, 64, 2), physics->RegisterPhysicsObject(32, 32, map->At(97, 10)));
	Game_Object * skeleton = new Game_Object(renderer->RegisterSprite(SpriteID::SKELETON, map->At(93, 19), 64, 64, 2), physics->RegisterPhysicsObject(32, 32, map->At(93, 19)));
	Game_Object * skeleton1 = new Game_Object(renderer->RegisterSprite(SpriteID::SKELETON, map->At(92, 0), 64, 64, 2), physics->RegisterPhysicsObject(32, 32, map->At(92, 0)));

	// define behavior for game objects
	skeleton->setVelocity(XMFLOAT3{ -.25,0,0 });
	skeleton1->setVelocity(XMFLOAT3{ +.25,0,0 });

	// store game objects

	//set up trigger boxes for obstacle lanes
	LaneTriggers.push_back(physics->RegisterTriggerBox(map->getDesc(93, 0)));
	LaneTriggers.push_back(physics->RegisterTriggerBox(map->getDesc(92, 19)));
	// set lane trigger response
	for (int i = 0; i < LaneTriggers.size(); i++)
		LaneTriggers[i]->onIntersect = [](PhysicalObject & object)
	// start the clock!


This is enough code to set up my first lane, adding more lanes is just adding more objects, and creating triggers for each lane. I could build some Gogger specific objects that define the lanes, as far as direction , start position, and maybe even quantity of game objects. This could consolidate a lot of code and tuck it nicely away. However, I have to attend to some more pressing issues, which are actual requirements for the challenge. 


  1. Game Over (You Lose)
    1. This occurs when Gogger the Goblin collides with an enemy or a maptile that is a trap (need a way to define map tile collisions that result in death)
    2. Currently my physical objects don't know what they're running into. I think I need to set up a bit mask for physical objects... This way, the physics engine can better handle collisions, if the collided objects are player and enemy, make the player game object dead
    3. I think I need to use a trigger box for the deadly map tiles. I can maybe use Tile2d map editor to define their bounds, I can check the kill object trigger(s) to see if its triggered by a player, and set the trigger box behavior to make the game object dead
  2. Game Over (You Win)
    1. For this I can probably use a trigger box as well, only defining the behavior a little differently
  3. Score
    1. Haven't even given this any thought yet.
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Okay, this is actually supposed to be for the Frogger challenge (or having to do with Frogger anyway)... I'm pretty sure? :)

Those sprites are pretty. Also damn, I wish I could have been smart enough to forego tile/jump-based movement, I could have saved myself some headache. On the other hand, I'm working in Unity, I clearly don't have enough to do (compared to C++). :)

November 10, 2018 06:22 PM

Sounds like you're getting a good foundation in place! :)

November 12, 2018 01:28 AM
On 11/10/2018 at 1:22 PM, supermikhail said:

Okay, this is actually supposed to be for the Frogger challenge (or having to do with Frogger anyway)... I'm pretty sure? :)

Those sprites are pretty. Also damn, I wish I could have been smart enough to forego tile/jump-based movement, I could have saved myself some headache. On the other hand, I'm working in Unity, I clearly don't have enough to do (compared to C++). :)


Thanks, all the sprites and tile set is from! The LPC stuff! Your own project looks like its coming along nicely!

On 11/11/2018 at 8:28 PM, jbadams said:

Sounds like you're getting a good foundation in place! :)

It's coming along! Hoping to get my next blog entry this week, hopefully with some working game events. 

November 13, 2018 03:14 PM
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