Almost Finished

posted in Awoken for project Shapes TD
Published June 28, 2018

This week has been one heck of a week. 
I wake up, eat breakfast, go for a run, go to work, come home eat dinner, program for 4 hours, go to bed, and repeat.

I've got a lot done.  Here is a pic showing the latest accomplishments.


- Crystals which act like lives, but also generate points after each wave.  And they break if a shape touches one.
- Score system
- Upgrade system
- Update shape paths if they were travelling to a crystal that has already been broken. 
- Start screen
- Menu screen
- Lose Animation

I now only have two things to do to wrap up this game
best of all I'll have it done by Saturday.  I'm impressed with how well I've managed my time and how accurate I've been predicting how much time it will take me to do this or that.
So fingers crossed.  If I don't run into any snags I'll have met the requirements by Saturday :D

Thanks for reading

Previous Entry Cube Cannon
6 likes 10 comments



Looking good. :) 2 Days left!

June 28, 2018 11:20 PM

Accurate time estimates can be very difficult, well done getting it so accurate! :)

June 29, 2018 11:57 PM

So, so close.  Tomorrow I will finish this.  I have this need to make it to my standards; my brain is mush right now. 


June 30, 2018 05:37 AM
1 hour ago, Awoken said:

So, so close.  Tomorrow I will finish this.  I have this need to make it to my standards; my brain is mush right now. 


Very cool GUI :)

Yea, I was gonna do an all nighter but heck no... I cannot even keep my eyes open at this stage. I had to deal with horrid run-time errors and some corrupted crap which I think I sorted out. My visual studio was going wacky today and took a few hours to sort out.. :| 

June 30, 2018 07:04 AM

Great going guys! :) And yes definitely get some sleep. Let us all know if there's anything we can do to help, play testing, bug finding etc!

June 30, 2018 07:46 AM
6 hours ago, lawnjelly said:

play testing, bug finding etc!

lawnjelly, I'd appreciate that.  we now have till July 7th.  If I could I'll send you the files as soon as I'm done with the game, soon here, and I'm going to work on balancing the waves and shapes.   If you can let me know if it's too easy or impossible.

June 30, 2018 02:03 PM

Yup sure is no problem, just message me a link and I'll have a look as soon as you are ready. :)

June 30, 2018 02:55 PM

Yay! till Jjuly 7th .... Nice progress bro ^_^y! ... I really need to catch up...

June 30, 2018 04:19 PM

The Core Game Elements / Mechanics are Finished!!

I'll be spending the next week playing around with game play balance.  This is great because I have 5 days to devote to making each wave count.

@lawnjelly, As soon I have the first stage ready to go, I'll send over the files.  Should be by tomorrow.

[ Note: the music is not apart of the game, just the sound effects are ]

July 03, 2018 04:04 AM

Nice job! :) 

July 03, 2018 04:05 AM
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