
Published February 20, 2021

Hey everyone, just wanted to give a quick update. First, thank you to the reviewer who gave this blog 5 stars. That really does mean a lot and it genuinely brightened my day.

For the last several months I have been acclimating to the new job. I guess this should be a no-brainer but sometimes in 2021 we need to be reminded: we all are human and humans have limits. It measurably matters if I try to engage in complex craftwork like this (and getting nowhere) after a long tiring day or first thing in the morning putting coffee enhanced fresh eyes on things. The coffee fresh version of me can run laps around the zombie version – and by now I have learned that the zombie should not be allowed to touch my precious, precious code. Numerous studies on overtime and fatigue back up this idea – any work put in above and beyond 10 hours (I think it's 10?) adds no further productivity, it only serves to make you more tired.

So despite never having been a morning person for my entire life, starting next week I will bite the bullet and start getting up earlier to take better care of myself and work on projects like Valkyrie before the many demands of my day. I would like to get the screen coordinate problem solved and at least reach MVP on this engine. Will have an update with content next week.

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