In shorts, now players can build/digging structures, it`s test feature with some of known issues:
1. only few types of blocks could be placed (droplist at the bottom of the screen)
2. if you remove/obscure light emitting block (pumpkin), light will not be recalculated
3. All building stored in memory, so, don`t build too much, since it could be lost once server restarted
Beside building/digging i also manage to implement client side tracing, which actually move virtual block alongside tracing ray
World still unlimited in 3 dimensions, buildings/digging stored as delta for generated content,
you can freely move/dig/build along world without any memory performance issues.
This have some disadvantages - for unlimited Y axis, we can`t simulate sun light (like in minecraft), since always have chunks in up directions, also, all content generated in run-time also has some restriction. But i refactor multi thread generation and almost manage to generate structures, even with colorful light emitting parts