How many cards should a card game have ?

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4 comments, last by Sayuris1 4 years, 4 months ago

Hello everyone,

I'm new here and I'm actually developing a card-based game like Clash Royale for android, and I'm actually struggled because I don't know how many cards I should design, what do u guys think would be an optimal number of cards to design ?

Thank you…


@undefined thank you very much ?

Not a Writing question. Moving thread to the Game Design forum.

-- Tom Sloper --

fleabay said:
So 42 is the answer. It always is.

True. It is the answer to The Question (life, the universe, and everything).

Regular playing card decks have 52 (not including any optional jokers/wild cards), and tarot decks have 78 cards.

-- Tom Sloper --

Play testing. Lots of play testing. Or you can just go for 42. It works every time.

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