Things are progressing in other areas....I'm about done with the 3-lane road artwork, as well as the elevated train system / artwork.
I've scrapped my old shadow system...going with a soft-shadowing algorithm of some kind, possible screenspace blur as well on the shadows.
There are 100 other things graphically, gameplay wise, etc. I'm working on. It's intense.
I'm not going to post screenshots of the game though...it is really starting to look cool X-), once I get some top notch shadows going on I'll be set. I might have to go with global-soft shadowing for static geometry, and *gasp* per-object shadows, and blend them in screenspace to avoid double shadowing. That should provide nice resolution, etc. Obviously the fallback will be projected blob shadows and soft shadows on geometry, fallback after that is regular shadow mapping + blobs, then you can turn off shadow maps all together.
I also just got the city editor working again, so I can create some 'interesting' cities, not just auto-generated city blocks.