I think it looks pretty good, it could use a blur pass maybe. Currently I don't think it's a good enough tradeoff for what it might potentially add to the graphics [ at this point ], so I'll probably only be including it in my enigne as some hidden away togglable feature. And I'll keep tweaking / playing around with it to see how good I can get it looking.
My post copied from the thread -
Here are some screenshots of your "Gauss SSGI" dropped into my game [ this map/level is for training so it's pretty simple ] ...I'm impressed with the results, especially considering it doesn't use the normal from the surface, there is some halo effects, etc. But overall, I think it looks good.
I will keep tweaking it, and report back, these screens are just a few mins of work dropping it into my pipeline to see how it'd look. This obviously isn't the best example of the color bleeding since it's a pretty dull colored terrain scene...
Ignore framerates I have many things going on the background, as well as in-game, it has full Havok physics, and is doing every aspect of the game . It runs at 60+ 800x600 when I disable the color bleeding sampling [ since its hardly visible it seems on this dull colored terrain scene ].<br><br>Screens w/color bleeding enabled<br><img src=http://www.radioactive-software.com/warbots/SSGI_img2.jpg border=0><br><br><img src=http://www.radioactive-software.com/warbots/SSGI_img3.jpg border=0><br><br><img src=http://www.radioactive-software.com/warbots/SSGI_img1.jpg border=0><br><br>Here is a screen w/color bleeding disabled ( so this would just be SSAO, ambient occlusion ) - <br><img src=http://www.radioactive-software.com/warbots/SSGI_no_color_bleed.jpg border=0><br><br>Raw output of the depth, aka :<br><br>return float4(readDepth(vScreenPosition).xxx,1.0);<br><br><img src=http://www.radioactive-software.com/warbots/Z_Output_Raw.jpg border=0><br><br><!–QUOTE–></td></tr></table></blockquote><!–/QUOTE–><!–ENDQUOTE–><br><br>Obviously this is what everybody is trying to achieve, the SSAO from Crysis - <br><br><img src=http://www.radioactive-software.com/urbanempires/October11/Crysis_SSAO.jpg border=0><br><br>I'm pretty happy with ArKano22's implementation, the glsl / hlsl code is posted the in the thread I linked to at the beginning of the entry. Why not give it a try and post your findings there as well :-D<br><br> - Dan<div></div>
Great shots on your post below, looking very good. It's a shame I haven't got a PC that will be able to play it!
Is this game getting bigger than you intended? Were you always planning on adding a FPS element into it? Your publishers for Urban Empires most be pretty patient ;)
Keep up the good work :)