New schedule for July/end of June

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published June 14, 2007
Check out the publishing the schedule, I did some shuffling around in order to fill out the month of July as well as keep June rolling along. Submissions have faltered over the last week or so, but I'm working on something right now that will hopefully help rectify the problem and bring in some more very high-quality articles. In the meantime if you have that itch to write just let me know and I'll bug you till you actually pen something or tell me to shut up and leave you alone! [wink]

Back to the schedule, just want to point out the Book Reviews. Yes, I'm featuring book reviews. Why? Because I said so!! Ahem. Sorry. The reason is because we don't have any other way of telling you when a new book review is posted by a member of our staff (usually the illustrious Mr. Hattan). The Books resource page lists the most recently added books, but it doesn't list the most recently added reviews. Maybe Richard can add that at some point, but for now our best reporting system is to utilize the featured content box on the main page. So I won't be featuring every book review that's posted, John'll be helping me choose reviews to feature.

One of the cool things about the book reviews is that (currently, anyways) they're already posted. So if you see them on the schedule you can check em out now in the Books section. Those not in the know will get the info when they're featured.

Thoughts? Comments?

On a personal note, I went skydiving last Saturday. It's one of those things I've wanted to do for years and finally got around to doing, thanks to some much-needed external motivation. Yea she knows who she is [smile]. If you got a MySpace you can check the pics here.
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