And I'm back with an update on the content scene. Today I took a stab at August's schedule, which you can view up above. Mind you, this is in a very volatile state right now and it could get totally rearranged before the end of the month, especially if our Special Event week doesn't get pulled off. But we're hoping it will cause that would be sweet and I'm sure you all would enjoy it. So keep your fingers crossed eh? I'll reveal what it is as soon as I can. Are you excited yet? Well, I never said I was good at marketing so there you go. I tried.
Anyways, we're moving ever closer to being able to secure some exclusive content. That means certain high-profile developers conjuring up articles just for us to make available to all of you. I'm talking good stuff here, so we're working hard to get that all said and done. Hopefully by October at the latest we'll start seeing some cool stuff. Don't hold me to that tho, but I will try my best to even shoot for September.
So John and I have to determine what book reviews will be featured next month, and we have to update the product reviews listed with descriptions as well.
Don't forget to contact me through if you have an article you want featured! if it's already on another site that's okay, I can link to it straight from the resources section.
I didn't make any serious announcements this month, usually I post a news item here at GDNet as well as elsewhere and several forums. It's looking to be a slow month for GI Live Events, but I encourage people to check em out and attend if they find them interesting. If you cant make an event because of the time - email me! if I get enough requests for a certain time of day I'll do my best to schedule something and try my best to get other speakers to do the same (although we have no power to make them do so). If you're a developer with experience we'd love to have you share that knowledge (whatever it is) with others through our program. C'mon, what other way is there that's easier to earn $50 for sitting at your comp for 30 minutes and speaking into a microphone??
Okay, done ranting about that.
Yea so, regarding my last post it turns out that Vista SP1 will be released in the 2nd half of this year after all. However that still doesn't change my stance, I still have absolutely no need or desire to upgrade to Vista. I just thought I'd mention to correct myself.
I'm still gunning for that third monitor/second graphics card, but I've been put off until next month at least thanks to maintenance expenses on my motorcycle. But when you have to decide between a shiny new monitor and falling off your bike when your back tire blows out or your engine seizes - well the bike wins I suppose. True, I could still afford to buy the monitor/card anyways, but I don't like to spend too much money in one month. I'm patient.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading.
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