An Asplosion! of a Release

posted in mittentacular
Published April 20, 2008
Yeah, so, I'm releasing Asplode! now and such. And, along with the game, comes all of the source to the game.

I originally wasn't planning on releasing the source but as development winded down and I started to play the game for longer sessions I soon realized that the game became virtually unplayable on my machine after about seven-eight minutes. I thought this may have been a result of poorly-managed graphical assets so I took a couple days to optimize them (and, as a result, the VectorModel and VectorParticleSystem bits of the code are an absolute mess to comprehend). After I finished doing that I jumped back into the game and, while it ran better for a while, the horrific mid-to-end game performance was still very much a factor. I went through and tweaked and optimized bits of code in other places that seemed like they would cause issues and, still, the performance problems persisted. At that point I decided that, since I got the game to a playable state and I didn't want to devote a whole lot of time to what is, essentially, a Geometry Wars clone, that I would just throw a main menu screen on the thing, an end-game screen, and release the source code and call it a day.

So that's what I'm doing. Here's the game; tremendous performance issues and all.

The Game: Asplode! plays out pretty much like you'd expect; on the 360 controller the left joystick handles movement and the right joystick aims/fires bullets. There is a score multiplier which is slowly increased with every kill made up to and the multiplier reaches a maximum of nine; every time a player dies, the multiplier is reset. There are also three possible weapon upgrades. (which persist after death) which are awarded based on the number of asplosion combos -- any death with a red pentabomb involved. A player has only three lives; I thought about implementing a way for a player to earn more lives but, since I have no life, the least I could do is minimize the amount of life a player can have. So there's three. That's it.

The Source: Uh. Yeah. Just try not to learn anything aside from what never to replicate. Ever.

The Requirements: One of the issues with an XNA title is that there are a few necessary items to install to get one running. So, I'm sorry about that. If it wasn't such a beautiful creation, I wouldn't use it. XNA Redistributable (Included), .NET 2.0 Framework, and I believe a run of the DirectX Web Setup and/or Visual Studio SP1 Redists if the first two don't get the job done.


And now off to start the game which isn't a blatant clone.

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I'm downloading your Asplode setup file. I'll post the results tomorrow. I didn't see a list of hardware requirements. I've got an original Xbox controller plugged into my PC. We'll see if that works.
April 21, 2008 07:40 PM
Original post by noaktree
I'm downloading your Asplode setup file. I'll post the results tomorrow. I didn't see a list of hardware requirements. I've got an original Xbox controller plugged into my PC. We'll see if that works.

Hey Ann Arbor friend.

And, yeah, crap. You just reminded me that I need to, yet again, trim the downloadable ZIP. I forgot to cut a whole bunch of needless files out.
April 21, 2008 09:11 PM
First the good. Nice gameplay, graphics/particle effects, and I really liked the sound. Now the bad...

Your animations seemed to be based on frame rate rather than time elapsed. At the start of the game I have 60 fps (fraps) and after a weapon level up and a bit of play it starts crawling to around 20 fps and then I die because all animations and controls are like driving through Michigan slush.

Another problem is that it didn't detect the original Xbox controller plugged into my USB. I'm assuming this is because you aren't polling for input devices. So I only got to use my keyboard - I'm sure the analog controls would have made it a lot nicer. Does XNA allow you to poll for game pads and other non-360 devices?

Last thing I noticed is that when I die, I can't start a new game by hitting ESC like it says.

Great effort!

April 22, 2008 08:43 PM
Yeah, it's just using 360 controllers and keyboard right now, unfortunately. I'm going to release an Asplode! 1.1 either later tonight or tomorrow which, due to Drilian's diligence and awesomeness, will fix a lot of the problems with the game.
April 22, 2008 09:41 PM
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