Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published May 28, 2012
Apologies, I should have planned ahead better for the holiday weekend to have time to get Weekend Reading out before I had so many obligations that took me away from the computer. Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 5/18 - 5/27

Featured Journal Entry

Tdawg30's Journal - Tdawg30 has wrapped up his research project involving encryption and had a brief post mortem of lessons he learned while working on the project, including better commenting, being more understanding of other people's code and how bugs not found early can pop up at the end of the project

From The Staff

  • GameDev.net Staff Journal - more information on the new site reputation system including the full breakdown of what points you will earn (or lose) while performing various actions and activities around the site

    Project Updates

    • Journal of Suspense - Suspense has a link to the completed first prototype of his game Neon, and he also shares some code that allows him to "edit a texture that was loaded from a file in jME3" which was based on code he dug off a forum post found through Google
    • Journal of mikeman - mikeman shares a new video of his 3D top-down racer in action and ponders over the future of the project, things like perhaps finding a 3D artist or sticking with more stock art, alpha funding, what platforms would be good to publish on, where he might release the game (Steam, for example) and other questions important to consider early in development
    • Graphics & Games... or the other way around - Matias Goldberg unfortunately was disqualified from the Intel Level Up contest when his game didn't run on the spec machines but he's now made the game available for download for anyone to try so check it out, he also lists how you can help him with feedback/support
    • Nocturnal Ferret - Zethariel has finished up his last project and is moving on to a fan game based on the new My Little Pony cartoon show - he has the GDD up for viewing as well
    • Melting Cube - cgpIce puts up some pretty impressive numbers for the size of the world that will be explorable in Dukandia - although they are all theoretical at the moment.
    • kseh's blog - kseh has some new features to talk about along with new screenshots of Egg Hunt and links to the updated build and dev notes
    • Beals Software - Programmer16 has put his previous SAGE project on the backburner and is starting a new adventure, A World In Ruins.
    • Gnoblins - Development journal of an indie game - Ashaman73 has released the second pre-alpha version of Gnoblins, and he's also gotten some attention from Rock Paper Shotgun which has boosted his download numbers
    • Archer Alec Devlog - HabitueGames has screens and info on two new bosses for Archer Alec as well as a new gameplay video

      Game Dev Stuffs

      • Path Tracing Is Fun - Bacterius has thrown together a quick GPU-based ray tracer with OpenCL to test path tracing and has the resulting image, as well as being pleased with the initial performance. He plans to experiement further to create a basic ray tracing wrapper around OpenCL
      • Just Let It Trickle - adeyblue talks about an easier technique for process thread notification creation if you can't use or augment an existing DLL
      • New Old Things - Endurion has added the first boss to his Commodore64 game in the latest step along the path to completion

        Other Stuffs
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