Paper Cowboys is available via Unity web player at
A couple points of interest:
- WSAD to move, Left Mouse to fire, Right Mouse for special weapon attacks if you have any.
- There are only three levels right now. After you beat the third one, the game just stops.
- Shoot barrels for random special weapon drops. Use Right Mouse to use.
- Shoot hats off enemies and pick them up!
- Shoot enemies for ammo and weapon upgrades.
Don't forget to go into Options from the main menu and set your profile name and color
- It's multiplayer; so try to play with a friend! Hopefully that works...remember I'm a team of one and this has never been tested by the public until now.
- Contact me if you'd like to be a play tester, co-designer or would like to help with PR.
Here are some new screenshots I took; hopefully these will be among the last where there's only one player (myself).
This looks like a complete copy of Sunset Riders.