Paper Cowboys Alpha 1 Now Available!

Published May 06, 2014
I finally got Paper Cowboys to a playable alpha state. I originally wanted to wait until it was much more polished; but I decided this was a good way to find people interested in helping me finish the game through constructive feedback, help with PR and play testing. And besides, if something is playable, why not post it?

Paper Cowboys is available via Unity web player at

A couple points of interest:

  • WSAD to move, Left Mouse to fire, Right Mouse for special weapon attacks if you have any.
  • There are only three levels right now. After you beat the third one, the game just stops.
  • Shoot barrels for random special weapon drops. Use Right Mouse to use.
  • Shoot hats off enemies and pick them up!
  • Shoot enemies for ammo and weapon upgrades.
  • Don't forget to go into Options from the main menu and set your profile name and color
  • It's multiplayer; so try to play with a friend! Hopefully that works...remember I'm a team of one and this has never been tested by the public until now.
  • Contact me if you'd like to be a play tester, co-designer or would like to help with PR.

    Here are some new screenshots I took; hopefully these will be among the last where there's only one player (myself).

    Unity 2014-05-05 18-33-09-67.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-33-22-29.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-33-36-22.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-33-43-82.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-34-04-56.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-34-30-19.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-34-43-04.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-35-12-32.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-35-27-13.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-35-43-98.jpg

    Unity 2014-05-05 18-40-57-28.jpg
    Unity 2014-05-05 18-41-01-04.jpg

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Samurai Jack

This looks like a complete copy of Sunset Riders.

May 08, 2014 08:23 AM

I does look like a stick figer version of that game. Nice accompolishment anyways though. It was fun. keep at it.

May 20, 2014 05:38 AM
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