I wrote this article on Medium and thought I'd cross post it here:
This is based off of my own past personal experiences (and failures) and observations of indie teams. I think a lot of the points are probably common knowledge among experienced game devs, but it's good to share it regardless. If we can steer a few more teams onto the right track and get good games, it's worth the effort
Note: I've been procrastinating on monthly updates. Long and short is that I've been busy, distracted, recovered from falling off a horse, etc.
I have to say i was tempted to write something about high horses and lonely pedestals - but harsh and uncomfortable as your words may be - i think you are right. There may be exceptions to a few of your points at a time, but 9/10 of them will have to apply. 1 in 7.500.000.000 is Notch - you aren't Notch, i ain't Notch. If i thought i was the lucky one, i might as well play the lottery. Gonna get back to coding now.