
how to get the processor type and speed of the user?

Started by June 28, 2002 03:29 AM
15 comments, last by mickey 22 years, 4 months ago
i tried the GetSystemInfo(...) but can''t seem to figure out the way there, i would like to use a Win32API for this, thanks!!
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
CPUID, dunno about speed.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
There is no system property for speed, you''re going to have to write a program to measure it (run something like DXDiag, will give your CPU speed within a few mhz).
You can find a name in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\VendorIdentifier. It is a string and contains GenuineIntel (no space) for Intel and AuthenticAMD (again no space) AMD. There are seeral other codes that you can find on the net. It is easier than using CPUID.
Check out other value in that key cuz there are things like ~Mhz and Identifier and name.
quote: Original post by Puzzler183
Check out other value in that key cuz there are things like ~Mhz and Identifier and name.

On a standard windows machine the information you can find is:

VendorIdentifier (ie. "GenuineIntel")
Identifier (ie. "x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6")
Update Status (a numeric value)

If you want information on what information is accessable about a processor read this article, ''cuz'' the CPU speed is not something that is reported by the chip, the only way to get the mhz is either 1) through a special program written for your specific motherboard or 2) by making a rough estimation, as programs like DXDiag do. With the right algorithm you can be within a 1-3 mhz of the exact speed.

  DWORD GetCpuSpeed(){	DWORD	dwStartTicks	= 0;	DWORD	dwEndTicks		= 0;	DWORD	dwTotalTicks	= 0;	DWORD	dwCpuSpeed		= 0;	//	check for high-resolution timer	LARGE_INTEGER	qwFrequency	= {0};	if(QueryPerformanceFrequency(&qwFrequency) && qwFrequency.QuadPart > 0)	{		LARGE_INTEGER	qwStart	= {0};		LARGE_INTEGER	qwStop	= {0};		//	1. step - get start ticks		QueryPerformanceCounter(&qwStart);		for(;;)		{			QueryPerformanceCounter(&qwStop);			if((qwStop.QuadPart - qwStart.QuadPart) * 1000 / qwFrequency.QuadPart > 1)			{				__asm				{					 xor    eax, eax					 xor    ebx, ebx					 xor    ecx, ecx					 xor    edx, edx					 _emit  0x0f				//	CPUID					 _emit  0xa2					 _emit  0x0f				//	RDTSC					 _emit  0x31					 mov    [dwStartTicks], eax				}				break;				}		}		qwStart.QuadPart	= qwStop.QuadPart;		//	2. step - get end ticks after 1000 ms		for(;;)		{			QueryPerformanceCounter(&qwStop);			if((qwStop.QuadPart - qwStart.QuadPart) / qwFrequency.QuadPart >= 1)			{				__asm				{					 xor    eax, eax					 xor    ebx, ebx					 xor    ecx, ecx					 xor    edx, edx					 _emit  0x0f				// CPUID					 _emit  0xa2					 _emit  0x0f				// RDTSC					 _emit  0x31					 mov    [dwEndTicks], eax				}				break;				}		}	}	else	{		DWORD	dwStart	= 0;		DWORD	dwStop	= 0;		//	1. step - get start ticks		dwStart	= GetTickCount();		for(;;)		{			dwStop	= GetTickCount();			if((dwStop - dwStart) > 1)			//	ROLLOVER PAST 1			{				__asm				{					 xor    eax, eax					 xor    ebx, ebx					 xor    ecx, ecx					 xor    edx, edx					 _emit  0x0f				//	CPUID					 _emit  0xa2					 _emit  0x0f				//	RDTSC					 _emit  0x31					 mov    [dwStartTicks], eax				}				break;				}		}		dwStart	= dwStop;		//	2. step - get end ticks after 1000 ms		for(;;)		{			dwStop	= GetTickCount();			if((dwStop - dwStart) >= 1000)			{				__asm				{					 xor    eax, eax					 xor    ebx, ebx					 xor    ecx, ecx					 xor    edx, edx					 _emit  0x0f				// CPUID					 _emit  0xa2					 _emit  0x0f				// RDTSC					 _emit  0x31					 mov    [dwEndTicks], eax				}				break;				}		}	}	//	compute result	dwTotalTicks	= dwEndTicks - dwStartTicks;	dwCpuSpeed		= dwTotalTicks / 1000000;	//	MHz	return(dwCpuSpeed);}  

Oh I''m sorry Michaelson. If my using "cuz" instead of "because" made the post hard for you to read or you had some other problem, you should have let me know cuz I owuld have changed it for you.
thanks guys,

i followed the sample on the MSDN, but i had a problem using the


because MHZ is not a string but a hex number, so how would i go fixin'' this?
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
DWORD Speed;
DWORD BufSize = sizeof (DWORD);
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name

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