
Gettting the same counting on diffrent computers

Started by July 25, 2002 02:21 PM
4 comments, last by skowroshima 22 years, 5 months ago
Me and a friend have basicly the same computer (athelon xp 1700) geforce 2 cards etc...we get close to the same average fps on a Q3 timedemo... But when ever he runs a Open GL Progam (that i make or tutorials) his runs signifficantly faster...but suffers vissualy The textures arnt completely drawn as they move creating lines... Even tutorial 21 runs faster on his (That is suposed to slow faster systems) Is there some reasion his is running faster than mine?? And is their an easy way to stop this like limiting the Max FPS? Thnx -skow
maybe disableing vsync will give you more accurate results... (sounds like your friend might already have it disabled... i dont really understand how his is suffering visually... ) also to make it so fps dont matter in your own demos, just add timing code to any movement... say you want x to increment by 5 every second...


Have you checked for any differences in your display settings?

vsync that was it..i shoulda thought of there any way to enable/disable it in opengl code???

you guys are life savers

[edited by - skowroshima on July 26, 2002 1:49:03 PM]
ignor my last request i did some searching around and got the code to enable/disable
share it with us

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