
Another question of oppinnions: goths, what do you think of em...?

Started by April 01, 2000 04:49 PM
19 comments, last by J2xC 24 years, 6 months ago
I''m asking this question partially from pure curiosity and otherwise because I think that surely if you espect to be respected for what you are you can''t consider them freaks either can you? Myself I''m not a goth, but have tendencies towards goth''ness... I dyed my hair black, and wear a reasonable amount of black clothes... on the other hand, when I''m not wearing black I wear white, or creamy-colored clothes... btw... I AM what you call a contradiction in terms... J2xC ------------------------------ About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
Well since you ask,

I think goths fall into the same category as punks - you get the impression that those people think that being an individual is always contradicting what is considered "normal", instead of just making your own decisions / judgements without external influence.

In this way their "expressing their individuality" just ends up being conforming (either intentionally or unintentionally) to a stereotype which earns the acceptance of their fellow-punks / goths.

Does that sound reasonable?

Nothing wrong with wearing all-black, do it myself.

Edited by - paulcoz on 4/3/00 3:12:39 AM
I don''t think anyone can be respected for what they are, only for what they do!

What you ARE is completely inconsequential, and it''s about time people started thinking of it that way.

~ Mad Keith ~
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
I disagree that they are punks if you went to my high school you would find that they are very interesting people and you can be friends/ aquantences with them. They just look different and they show it.
I wish there was a button on my monitor to turn up the intellegince. Theres a button called 'brightness' but it doesn't work

you obviously don''t know any goths, or the people you think are ''goths'' are just posers who want to be something they arent.

Goths don''t wear 100% black clothes, don''t listen to whiny music, rarely wear trenchcoats, and DO NOT listen to Marilyn Manson. This is a false media stereotype.

Technically, the ''Goths'' are an ancient ethnic group which descended from Sweden (Gotländ), who''s architecture styles were radically different from traditional Latin styles, and often seen as ''gloomy''.

I wonder which stereotype will be villainized next by the media...

"Tell brave deeds of war."
Then they recounted tales, -- "There were stern stands And bitter runs for glory."

Ah, I think there were braver deeds.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.
I''m considered a "goth" by a lot of people at my school--although i don''t consider myself to be one. I think it may be because I used to wear a black trench coat all the time...but that was just because I liked wearing a black trench coat. I think that "goths," as well as "punks" and any other "individualist" group are a bunch of posers. They claim to be individuals...but, really, they''re just becoming another group. All the "goths" I know claim that they hate all the "preps" and jocks at our school, but, in reality, they are nothing more than "preps," only they tend to act more homosexual.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuck

Never Trust A Bald Barber
i do not consider myself a goth but i am consired a goth by others (stupid jerks) also a freak, a jackass, a poorboy, madman, yeah u name it, ive benn called but usually caus ei like being like i am, i dont want to be different, anyone can be like i am, i dont care, just like to be this way, i ear ''goth'' music (i ahte MM, my ''goth'' music is mianly based on celtic and old eastern european folkore) and yes i wear black.

The reason some ''goths'' use black is the followin (not for all) they usually like to follow pagan religions, wicca, witchvcraft etc, that believe in sun as god and moon as goddess. They wear black because it atract the sun light more and with that more energy from the gods.

I just wear black cause i like it

my thoughts !
It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
Mithrandir -
If goths don''y wear 100% black clothes, don''t listen to whiny music, rarely wear trenchcoats, and DO NOT listen to Marilyn Manson, then how in any way are they goths? Do they wear black clothes 99.9% of the time, listen to heavy meatal, sometimes wear trench coats and, NEVER EVER (I mean, go forbid, they''re goths!) listen to Marilyn Mansion, but instead, listen to the spice girls? Everything that you said is your opinion and is based purely on that. Most do everything that you mentioned, as a matter of fact.

I''m not a goth. I have brown hair with blonde streaks, but listen to Manson sometimes. I wear some black clothes, but then again, I wear all types of colours of clothes (except grey... just looks bad on me). This was all just for the record...

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3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
After 10 years of denying it, I finally admitted that I fit enough of the goth stereotype to bear the title. I''d say that overall, the "gothic community" is just like any other group of people; you have a pretty wide range of people involved. It just happens that they like dark colours, certain types of music/makeup, literature, etc. I don''t really think that whether someone is a goth or not has much bearing on their abilities.... I know some goths who definitely fall into the category of genius, and I know some who should probably be institutionalized. Same for most other groups.

I just wish more people would remember that the West is founded on liberal democracy, and that tolerance is the key to a happy life. [And that works both ways - egotistical goths who hate everything are just as bad as bible bashers who inform me that I''m going to hell because I wear black and listen to music that includes "occult" references!]

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