
DirectXey-OOPey Question.......

Started by August 16, 2002 09:08 PM
1 comment, last by 987th Yak 22 years, 2 months ago
Hi Everyone! Im trying to write a 2d enginey thing in DirectX 8 useing the ID3DXSPRITE interface. I was going to write a class to would the D3DXSprite object but am having trouble with the fact that I have to call its functions from a D3DDevice. I can''t think of a good way to have my image class interact the the D3DDevice. Could someone help? P.S. or was that to vague? If so tell me. ------------------------------ "Whats This do?? Whats That do??"-GIR (seemed appropriate some how.....) -----------------------------
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Why not just pass in a pointer to the D3DDevice in your class constructor?

doh!! *Whacks self over head repetedly with large object* That would work.... (I didn''t think of that because...) Thanks!!


"Whats This do?? Whats That do??"-GIR
(seemed appropriate some how.....)
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