
What makes you mad?

Started by April 03, 2000 10:52 AM
24 comments, last by webspynner_99 24 years, 5 months ago
Sorry to all I offended, I just got a little mad...maybe too mad.

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
Oh, and J2xC, I wasn''t insulting your programming ability, where did you get that idea? I''m not such a great programmer myself really...

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
I really hate stupid people. Honestly...there are some people I know that are so stupid they don''t deserve to live. And I hate when people complain about stupid problems, like "Oh, I really like this guy...but I already have a boyfriend" and all that crap. Well, if you like this other guy so much, dump you''re *CENSORED* boyfriend!

I also hate when you spend three days straight trying to find a bug in a program you wrote, only to discover you made one wrong function call in a part of your code that never seemed to have anything to do with the bug you''re trying to fix. Oh, and once you''ve finally got it up and running...and "bug free" bring it in to school, and in the middle of demonstrating it to your teacher (for a rather large project grade, mind you), you discover ANOTHER bug that crashes the program (a la Bill Gates).

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
YAYY! I got a flame I got a flame I got a flame!

( Are you annoyed yet? )

~ Mad Keith ~
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
wow. such anger. such spite. such torment. maybe you people should see a shrink. Just kidding, I can really relate to some of the things you said, like stupid people.

(hahaha, they have fallen into my plan. Soon I shall control them. HAHAHAHA!!!)

"YOU APES WANNA LIVE FOREVER?" Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
"Who wants to live forever?" Queen
"Never trust a bald barber" me
People take things SO seriously! For heavens sake, we''re game programmers, enjoy life!

~ Mad Keith ~
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
People asking me what makes me mad.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
People not visiting my website!

Charlie McSow /Paradigm Game Design
CharlieGame DesignerRarebyte
This post was great for a laugh.

Know what makes me mad, I''ll tell you. After working on my project for 2 months and the night before its due, my hard drive crashes. That makes me mad. And to finish it off the backup disks decided to break right then. That and installing computer hardware and it has conflicts w/ the windows kernal. Mainly my new DVD player.


I get mad when I read in the newspaper that some rapist got 1 week in jail...ONE WEEK ??? He should DIE !!!"#"#¤¤

-- There IS something rotten in the state of Denmark --
-------------Ban KalvinB !

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