
Using game screenshots for advertising

Started by September 17, 2002 05:30 AM
2 comments, last by NeverSayDie 22 years ago
Alright folks, just wondering, what''s the deal with using screenshots from games to advertise/promote LAN parties and the like? I''m involved in public relations for a university computer society, and one activity we run is LAN parties and other game-related stuff. I''m thinking of using screenshots of Quake 3, Uunreal Tournament, etc on posters and the like. Anyone know the legality of this? I have a feeling it''s a no-go, but considering that I''m effectively promoting the use of the software... On a similar note, what''s the deal with public showing of a game - ie if I a have a Q3 demo running on a projector at our stand or some such?
I am not a lawyer but I reckon if you cant have screenshots from games to promote LAN events featuring those games, then this planet is truly f**cked. If I was you, I would just do it. No company is going to prosecute LAN party organisers, its the kiss of death to their popular titles, if they sued you, would you EVER feature that same game at a future LAN party?

hmm, maybe just email guys that create those games and ask them for a permission?
I doubt they would have anything against it and you could use it without worries.
PS.looking at the number of fan sites etc. for those games it doesn''t seem that anyone is hunting them and they do use a lot of quake/unreal graphics on their www pages etc.
With best regards, Mirek Czerwiñski
Yeah, you''re probably right. At the end of the day, it does promote use of their products. I''ll check the EULAs - might be something there.

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