
Hows the pay in this industry?

Started by September 25, 2002 03:31 PM
11 comments, last by skilzygw 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi i just read someones post that nobody is going to get rich in this industry. That got me wondering just what the average game prgrammer working for a major company lets say EA or Infrogames etc... Just what they make yearly salary? So if the hours are long and the pay sucks why stay in the industry? or whats kept some of you old timers in the industry? Maybe should i use my CS degree + networking background to continue with IT even though that blows right now. thanks!
Pay is not the only reason to do something...

Mark Fassett
Laughing Dragon Entertainment

Mark Fassett

Laughing Dragon Games

True but if your not paying the bills then guess what love wont keep the bill collectors away.

Im not saying it is everything or even that its the most important thing. To me its not. Enjoying where i work, having great people around me and being comfortable (as in nOOOOO suits)

those are most important to me. But I dont want to make less thank a freaking mcdonalds fry cook. You know you have to draw the line somewhere. Thats where i was getting worried this guy made it seem like it was TOILET PAY.

So whats the average for like EA employees? Also anyone know of any game companies in the NYC/LI area? I was told that acclaim was on Long Island. Gotta break into the industry somehow hope QA testing something like that.


[edited by - skilzygw on September 25, 2002 4:50:01 PM]
I think his point was that although the pay isn''t great, if you love it, then that''s a good enough reason to do it. Sure, love of your job isn''t going to keep the bill collectors away, but no matter how much you make, if you don''t pay your bills they''re going to come knocking. Just don''t live outside of your income level. That''s a whole other topic though.

So far as ''nobody is going to get rich in this industry'', there are almost always exceptions to just about anything. (like that sentance for instance) Just like ''nobody gets paid to design video games''. I''m sure that Sid Meyers gets paid to design them. And if you look at Blizzard''s website, they''re hiring for video game designers right now as well.

You''ll get out of it what you put into it. That''s how you should look at most things. If you really want to write video games, then go for it. But don''t expect to get rich quick, and expect to put in a lot of time and effort. Eventually, it should pay off.

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I''m from LI (merrick), I don''t think I''ve ever heard of anyone else here from LI, so if you don''t mind where you from exactly?

I think rockstar and take-two, or whoever made GTA are in the city.
look at this
atcdevil Im from queens, ny. Forest hills to be exact. spend most of my time in port washington though with my GF.

I didnt know those companies where in the city. That would be great.

Cost of living is also important. NYC and li has prob one of the highest cost of living in the country. DAMN TAXES. As long as i can survive thats all that matters. Have to be able to provide you know. not that i have children or anything im too young for that. i dont even want kids that should be a plus for me.

Move to New Jersey, it''s a bit cheaper to live here.
Hey when i graduate and am ready to get a game programming job i wouldn't be opposed to moving to FLORIDA I love MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or maybe california but ive never been there so with no family there so its kinda a scary move. Even though thats probably where most of the game companies are.

Even Seatle i hear nice things about seatle. Even though it does have shitty weather.

I dont think i would move anywhere but those 3 places. Either stay in NY-NJ area....FL, CALI or Seatle.

Where are you all from and do you all work professionaly in the industry?

[edited by - skilzygw on September 25, 2002 11:52:53 PM]
I''m the one who said you won''t get rich in the games industry. There are of course exceptions to this, but they are very, very few. And none of them come from working at another company. Not a single one. Everyone in this industry who has made a large amount of money -- Sid Meier, Richard Garriott, Will Wright, Trip Hawkins, etc. -- has done so by starting up their own company.

Take a look at the IGDA survey referenced above; it''s a good one.

Working at any of the larger, more established game companies can be great. Good (typically not stellar) pay, benefits, great working environment, etc. OTOH you''re also often confronted with toxic political culture, a grossly immature project management structure and process, and the anxiety of not knowing from day to day whether your project will be canceled.

And, as I said before, unless you have highly marketable skills -- a strong CS degree with killer projects, portfolio of eye-popping art, etc. -- you''re going to need to start as a tester or something similar. And even these jobs are competitive. Still, companies do hire all the time, even in this climate. The NYC area probably has fewer game companies than Boston, LA, Seattle, Austin, or the Bay Area though.
Mike SellersOnline Alchemy: Fire + Structure = Transformation

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