
Resident Evil on PSX

Started by April 24, 2000 04:13 PM
2 comments, last by valg3 24 years, 5 months ago
The Resident Evil games on Playstation are the best! But does anyone have any clue how they created the movement aspects of it? It''s obvious that the backgrounds and surrounds are paintings, but how did they create the game to stop you at certain spots so you don''t walk on the walls or through a trashcan, desk or anything? I''m new to game programming and trying to grasp the concepts/programming behind such games.
If you want to learn those kinds of aspects in game programming, go by andre lamothe''s, "Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus". or something like that.. go check it out on amazon, get it, read it, then you''ll be able to create your own RE.

3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
I can't want for Alone in the Dark 4. I think there is going to be a Playstation version so you should probably check it out. Not to criticise Resident Evil (I only played through the first one), but Alone4 looks to have a lot more atmosphere eg. less gore but much in the dark.


Edited by - paulcoz on 4/24/00 8:22:02 PM
Thanks Fredric, I already have that book. Hopefully I have time to read the dang thing after finals are over. :-(

Paulcoz, I''ll check out that link. Had no idea they were making another Alone in the dark. How old''s that series now??

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