#include <windows.h> // for winsock functions #include <stdio.h> // for printf() #include <string.h> // for strcopy() #include <stdlib.h> // for atoi() and other helpfunctions #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <Dmusici.h> #include "dxutil.h" #include #include #include using namespace std;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFINITIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define domainAF AF_INET // Address Family = Internet #define protocol 0 // set to 0 to use default protocol for chosen domain and type
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBAL VARIABLES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int TCPSocket, // ID for socket to communicate through UDPSocket; struct hostent *remoteInfo; // temp storage for IP struct sockaddr_in remoteAddress; // stores address info for remote int addressLength; struct in_addr remoteIP; // IP address for remote
bool listening; char *nickName; int READBUFFERSIZE; int HEADERSIZE; int j; // used for clearing out strings ofstream audioCache("audiocache.wav",ios::out|ios::binary|ios::ate); HWND hWndAudio; IDirectMusicLoader8 *pLoader = NULL; IDirectMusicPerformance8 *pPerformance = NULL; IDirectMusicSegment8 *pSound = NULL; bool TCPMODE;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONNECT TO SERVER ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void connectTo(const char *remoteName, const int remotePort){ char *programInfo; // 1024 with zero fill, msgformat from server char *headerData; // 128 with zero fill, msgformat from server char *choice; // 1 for TCPMODE, 2 for UDPMODE
// Attempt to create a socket for communication if ((TCPSocket = socket(domainAF, SOCK_STREAM, protocol)) < 0){ printf("*** System unable to create TCP socket ***\n"); exit(1); } if ((UDPSocket = socket(domainAF, SOCK_DGRAM, protocol)) < 0){ printf("*** System unable to create UDP socket ***\n"); exit(1); }
// Attempt to lookup IP address for remote remoteInfo = gethostbyname(remoteName); if (remoteInfo == NULL){ printf("*** Could not get remote IP ***\n"); exit(1); } else memcpy(&remoteIP, remoteInfo->h_addr, 4);
// Fill in data about remote address remoteAddress.sin_family = domainAF; remoteAddress.sin_port = htons(remotePort); // convert 16-bit values between host and network byte order remoteAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(remoteIP));
// Init COM - all DirectAudio functions are COM-based CoInitialize(NULL);
// Create Loader-interface, store it in pLoader hResult = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicLoader, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IDirectMusicLoader8, (void**)&pLoader ); if (FAILED(hResult)){ printf("*** DX8 Cant create Loader\n"); return(NULL);}
// Create Performance-interface, store it in pPerformance hResult = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicPerformance, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8, (void**)&pPerformance ); if (FAILED(hResult)){ printf("*** DX8 Cant create Performance\n"); return(NULL);}
// Initalize Audio in the performance interface hResult = pPerformance->InitAudio( NULL, // NULL=internal IDirectMusic8 interface created NULL, // NULL=internal IDirectSound8 interface created hWnd, // Handle to Window using this sound-system DMUS_APATH_DYNAMIC_STEREO, // Type of default path 4, // # Performance-channels DMUS_AUDIOF_ALL, // This flag includes all flags: // * DMUS_AUDIOF_STREAMING - allows streaming WAVE files! // * DMUS_AUDIOF_BUFFERS - use multiple buffers // * DMUS_AUDIOF_ENVIRON - use environmental modeling // * DMUS_AUDIOF_EAX - use EAX effects // * DMUS_AUDIOF_3D - allow 3D buffers NULL ); // Default DMUS_AUDIOPARAM structure used if (FAILED(hResult)){ printf("*** DX8 Cant init audio\n"); return(NULL);}
// Retrieve default audio path - used for playing sounds if (FAILED( pPerformance->GetDefaultAudioPath(&path))){ printf("*** DX8 Cant get default audio-path\n"); return(NULL);}
// Set default volume for the playback-path if (FAILED( path->SetVolume(0, // Volume 0 = full volume, in the range [0..-9600] 0) // Duration in milliseconds for volume-change. 0 = immediate. )){ printf("*** DX8 Cant set path volume\n"); return(NULL);} return (S_OK); }
// Check if DSound is Initialized OK if ( !pLoader || !pPerformance ){ printf("*** DX8 not initialized\n"); return(NULL);}
// Clean up sound if it already exists if ( pSound ){ pSound->Unload( pPerformance ); pSound->Release(); pSound = NULL; }
// Load sound resource from file and place it in segment if (FAILED( pLoader->LoadObjectFromFile( CLSID_DirectMusicSegment, // Object-type to load IID_IDirectMusicSegment8, // Interface ID wstrFileName, // Filename for sound-file (LPVOID*) &pSound // Stores loaded object ))){ printf("*** DX8 Cant load file\n"); return(NULL);} // Download the data - transfer it to performance interface that play sounds if (FAILED( pSound->Download( pPerformance))){ printf("*** DX8 Cant download file\n"); return(NULL); } return(S_OK); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PLAYSOUND WAVE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT hrPlaySound(IDirectMusicSegment8 *pSegment){ // Check if DSound is Initialized OK if ( !pSegment || !pPerformance ){ printf("*** DX8 not initialized\n"); return(NULL);}
// Play segment if(FAILED( pPerformance->PlaySegmentEx( pSegment, // Segment-source to play NULL, // Segment-name - not implemented in DX8 NULL, // Transition-object to associate with playback DMUS_SEGF_DEFAULT | DMUS_SEGF_SECONDARY, // Flags! Secondary buffer can play several simultaneously 0, // Starttime 0 - starts playing sound immediately NULL, // IDirectMusicSegmentState8 state pointer for playback NULL, // audiopath/segmentstate to stop when this segment starts playing NULL // Audiopath. NULL = default. ))){ printf("*** DX8 Cant playback soundfile\n"); return(NULL); } return(S_OK); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLEAN UP DIRECTAUDIO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void vShutdownDirectAudio( void ){ if ( pLoader ){ pLoader->Release(); pLoader = NULL; } if ( pPerformance ){ pPerformance->Release(); pPerformance = NULL; } if ( pSound ){ pSound->Unload( pPerformance ); // Required for all downloaded segments into performance objects pSound->Release(); pSound = NULL; } CoUninitialize(); }
void closeConnection( void ){ closesocket(TCPSocket); closesocket(UDPSocket); WSACleanup(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GET AUDIO STREAM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Should run in own thread void getAudio( void ){ char *soundData; // 128 with zero fill, msgformat from server int audioBytesRead, totalBytesRead, chunksRead; listening = true; printf("Receiving broadcast sound-data\n["); chunksRead = totalBytesRead = 0; while (listening==true){ soundData = new char[READBUFFERSIZE+1]; for(j=0; j { soundData[j] = 0; } if(TCPMODE) audioBytesRead = recv( TCPSocket, soundData, READBUFFERSIZE, 0 ); else audioBytesRead = recvfrom( UDPSocket, soundData, READBUFFERSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&remoteAddress, &addressLength); totalBytesRead += audioBytesRead; //if (audioBytesRead > 0){ //if(TCPMODE) printf("t"); else printf("u"); if( soundData[0] == ''E''){ // Server sends message containing "EOP" when radio-program is finished if( soundData[1] == ''O''){ if( soundData[2] == ''P''){ //printf("\n%s - Shutting Down\n",soundData); listening = false; } } } else{ chunksRead++; // Append wave-data to file audioCache.write(soundData,READBUFFERSIZE); } // Play sounddata after caching enough data
...and heres the server-code: (THANKS AGAIN ALL) #include // for printf() #include // for atoi() and other helpfunctions #include // for socket functions #include // #include // for generating timestamp time() #include // #include // #include // #include // for strncopy() etc #include // #include // #include // #include // using namespace std; /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DOMAIN_AF AF_INET // Address Family = Internet #define PROTOCOL 0 // set to 0 to use default protocol for chosen domain and type #define MAXQUEUE 3 // Max 3 pending connections #define MAXCLIENTS 3 // #define SENDBUFFERSIZE 128 /// #define HEADERSIZE 128 //// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct broadcast{ char *headerData; long headerSize; char *audioData; long byteSize, bytesSent, bytesLeft; char *programInfo; // Text string sent to clients logging on to the show, info about the wav being broadcasted bool done; // Indicates that all data has been broadcasted };
struct client{ char *nickName; struct sockaddr_in address; // stores address info for remote struct hostent *Info; // temp storage for retreiving IP struct in_addr IP; // IP address for remote int addressLength; int socket_fd; bool connected; bool TCPMODE; // True for TCP, false for UDP
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBAL VARIABLES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct broadcast broadCast; // struct waveChunk waveData[]; // u_short servePort; struct client clients[MAXCLIENTS];// Stores all clients in an array int numberOfClients; // int numberOfChunks; // FILE *logFile; // filepointer for logging broadcasts and listeners timeval timeout; // // struct sockaddr_in localAddress; // stores address info for remote struct hostent *localInfo; // temp storage for retreiving IP struct in_addr localIP; // IP address for remote char *localHostName; // Name for server int j; // used for clearing out strings int TCPSocket; // ID for socket to listen on for requests and send TCP traffic int UDPSocket; // ID for socket for UDP traffic bool running; // Indicates server is on bool TCPMODE; // True for TCP, false for UDP bool OVRMODE; // Whether to override clients request for individual modes bool TCPMODE_SET; // Contains TCPMODE if OVRMODE set, otherwise contains clients.TCPMODE ifstream waveFile("radio.wav",ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate); // //ofstream tempFile("verify.wav",ios::out|ios::binary|ios::ate);
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNTION PROTOTYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void loadWave ( void ); // Loads wavefile and fills out the struct with header data + prepares buffer void updateProgramInfo ( void ); // Adds timestamp + info to struct for wavefile void initServer ( void ); // Starts server bool checkForNewClients ( void ); // Checks for new listener void disconnectClient ( int ); // Removes a listener void sendProgramInfo ( int ); // Sends info about the program to the new listener void getMessage ( int ); // Receive message from clients void broadcastAudio ( void ); // Sends next part of the radioprogram to the listener
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LOAD WAVE FILE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void loadWave( void ){ broadCast.headerSize = HEADERSIZE; broadCast.byteSize = waveFile.tellg() - broadCast.headerSize; waveFile.seekg(0, ios::beg); broadCast.headerData = new char[broadCast.headerSize]; for(j=0; j { broadCast.headerData[j] = 0; } waveFile.read(broadCast.headerData, broadCast.headerSize); printf("Buffering %d bytes of headerdata\n",broadCast.headerSize); //tempFile.write(broadCast.headerData, broadCast.headerSize); // Used for local verification purposes }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STORE TIMESTAMP + PROGRAM INFO /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void updateProgramInfo( void ){ SYSTEMTIME timer; char temp[1024]; // used for misc stringmanipulation char timeClk[25]; char date[25]; char *timeStamp; // puts timedata in string // Store broadcast-start timestamp in broadCast.programInfo and log-file strcpy(temp, "Station up at "); GetLocalTime(&timer); // gets local time from system GetDateFormat(0,DATE_SHORTDATE,&timer,NULL,date,sizeof(date)); GetTimeFormat(0,LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE,&timer,NULL,timeClk,sizeof(timeClk)); timeStamp = date; strcat( timeStamp, " at "); strcat( timeStamp, timeClk); strcat(temp, timeStamp); strcat(temp,"\n"); logFile = fopen("radiolog.log", "a"); //Open or create file for both reading and appending fprintf(logFile,temp); // stores string as a line in the log-file broadCast.programInfo = new char[SENDBUFFERSIZE]; for(j=0; j { broadCast.programInfo[j] = 0; } strcpy( broadCast.programInfo, temp ); // Appends timestamp to broadCast.programInfo printf("%s",broadCast.programInfo); broadCast.done = false; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // START SERVER FOR BROADCASTING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void initServer( void ){ // Create a socket for requests if ((TCPSocket = socket(DOMAIN_AF, SOCK_STREAM, PROTOCOL)) < 0){ printf("*** System unable to create TCP listeningsocket ***\n"); exit(1); } if ((UDPSocket = socket(DOMAIN_AF, SOCK_DGRAM, PROTOCOL)) < 0){ printf("*** System unable to create UDP listeningsocket ***\n"); exit(1); }
// Fill in addressinfo for local socket localHostName = new char[80]; for(j=0; j<80; j++) { localHostName[j] = 0; } gethostname( localHostName, sizeof(localHostName) ); localInfo = gethostbyname(localHostName); if (localInfo == NULL){ printf("*** Could not get IP ***\n"); exit(1); } else memcpy(&localIP, localInfo->h_addr, 4); localAddress.sin_family = DOMAIN_AF; localAddress.sin_port = htons(servePort); // convert 16-bit values between host and network byte order localAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
// Bind socket to address if( bind( TCPSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&localAddress, sizeof(localAddress) ) <0 ){ printf("*** System unable to bind TCP socket ***\n"); exit(1); } if( bind( UDPSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&localAddress, sizeof(localAddress) ) <0 ){ printf("*** System unable to bind UDP socket ***\n"); exit(1); } printf("Radio %s on %s:%d\n\n",localHostName, inet_ntoa(localIP), servePort); listen( TCPSocket, MAXQUEUE ); // Listen for connectionrequests for (int i=0; i .connected = false;<br>}//END INITSERVER<br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// CHECK FOR NEW LISTENERS REQUESTING TO LISTEN TO THE RADIO<br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// Returns true if connection is made, false if no connections attempted or no free radioslots<br>bool checkForNewClients( void ){<br> int selectResult; // data returned from the select function<br> int nfds; // New filedescriptor to allow multiple connectionrequests<br> fd_set conn; // read variable for select function<br><br> timeout.tv_sec = 0; // set to 0 for Non Blocking<br> timeout.tv_usec = 0;<br><br> if (numberOfClients < MAXCLIENTS)<br> {<br> FD_ZERO (&conn); <br> FD_SET (TCPSocket, &conn); // conn get the data from the listeningsocket<br> nfds = TCPSocket + 1; // Up by one - shouldnt be the same for each client connecting<br><br> selectResult = select(nfds, &conn, NULL, NULL, &timeout); // Check if any data is coming in…<br><br> if (selectResult > 0) // Someone is trying to Connect<br> {<br> int i = 0;<br> char *clientMode;<br> char temp[1024];<br><br> while(clients.connected == true && i < MAXCLIENTS){<br> i++;<br> }<br> if (clients.connected == true) return false; // All slots full<br><br> clients.addressLength = sizeof(clients.address);<br> clients.socket_fd = accept(TCPSocket,<br> (struct sockaddr *)&clients.address,<br> &clients.addressLength);<br> // Client Connected<br> numberOfClients++;<br> clients.connected = true;<br> memcpy( &clients.IP, &clients.address.sin_addr.s_addr, 4 ); // Gets IP for client<br> clients.nickName = new char[31];<br> for(j=0; j<31; j++)<br> {<br> clients.nickName[j] = 0;<br> }<br> clientMode = new char[2]; //receivebuffer = expected databytes +1 for stringterminator<br> clientMode[0] = clientMode[1] = 0;<br> recv( clients.socket_fd, clients.nickName, 30, 0 );<br> recv( clients.socket_fd, clientMode, 1, 0 );<br> if (clientMode[0] == ''1'') clients.TCPMODE = true; else clients.TCPMODE = false;<br> strcpy( temp, clients.nickName); <br> strcat( temp, "("); <br> strcat( temp, inet_ntoa(clients.IP));<br> strcat( temp, ")");<br> memset ( clients.nickName, ''\0'', sizeof(clients.nickName) ); // Clears out inbuffer before use<br> strcpy(clients.nickName,temp);<br> printf("\n* * * %s tuned in at slot %d requesting ",clients.nickName,i);<br> if (clients.TCPMODE == true) printf("TCPMODE\n"); else printf("UDPMODE\n");<br> fprintf(logFile,"Tuned in ");<br> fprintf(logFile,clients.nickName); // stores string as a line in the log-file<br> fprintf(logFile,"\n");<br> <br> sendProgramInfo(i);<br><br> char inBuffer[20];<br> char outBuffer[20];<br> strcpy(outBuffer,"OK");<br> memset ( inBuffer, ''\0'', sizeof(inBuffer) ); //clears out inbuffer before use<br> recvfrom( UDPSocket, inBuffer, 19, 0, <br> (struct sockaddr *)&clients.address, &clients.addressLength);<br> sendto(UDPSocket, outBuffer, 19, 0,<br> (struct sockaddr *)&clients.address, clients.addressLength);<br> } else return false; // No connection attempts at this time<br> }<br> return true; // Connected a new client<br>}<br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// SEND PROGRAM INFO TO NEW LISTENER<br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>void sendProgramInfo(int i){<br> send(clients.socket_fd, broadCast.programInfo, SENDBUFFERSIZE, 0 );<br> send(clients.socket_fd, broadCast.headerData, HEADERSIZE, 0 );<br>}<br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// SEND THE AUDIOSTREAM TO ALL LISTENERS<br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>void broadcastAudio( void ){<br> int prevNoListeners = 0;<br> int bytesToSend = SENDBUFFERSIZE;<br> int chunkNo = 0;<br> char *sendBuffer;<br> <br> // Send chunks<br> broadCast.bytesLeft = broadCast.byteSize;<br> broadCast.bytesSent = 0;<br> <br> while(broadCast.done == false){<br> // wait for a couple of MS so the receiver can process in the speed being sent…<br> Sleep(10);<br> chunkNo++; // Keep count of how many chunks are being sent<br> // Prepare sendbuffer and how many bytes to send<br> if (broadCast.bytesLeft < SENDBUFFERSIZE){<br> bytesToSend = broadCast.bytesLeft;<br> broadCast.done = true;<br> }<br> broadCast.bytesLeft -= bytesToSend;<br> broadCast.bytesSent += bytesToSend;<br> sendBuffer = new char[bytesToSend];<br> for(j=0; j<bytesToSend; j++) sendBuffer[j] = 0; // Clear out the sendBuffer<br> waveFile.read(sendBuffer, bytesToSend); // Put next chunk of audiostream into sendBuffer<br> //tempFile.write(sendBuffer, bytesToSend); // Used for local verification<br><br> // If more listeners have tuned in, print a little message to screen<br> if (prevNoListeners != numberOfClients) printf("Sending to %d listener(s): ",numberOfClients);<br> prevNoListeners = numberOfClients;<br> for (int i=0; i<MAXCLIENTS; i++){<br> if (clients.connected){<br> if (OVRMODE) TCPMODE_SET = TCPMODE; else TCPMODE_SET = clients.TCPMODE;<br> if (TCPMODE_SET) send(clients.socket_fd, sendBuffer, bytesToSend,0);<br> else sendto(UDPSocket, sendBuffer, bytesToSend, 0,<br> (struct sockaddr *)&clients.address, clients.addressLength);<br> //if (TCPMODE_SET) printf("t"); else printf("u"); <br> }<br> }<br> if (broadCast.bytesSent == broadCast.byteSize) broadCast.done = true;<br> else checkForNewClients();<br> }<br> printf("\n%d chunks DONE\n",chunkNo);<br> waveFile.close();<br> //tempFile.close();<br> printf("\nSending EOP to slot(s): ");<br> for (int i=0; i<MAXCLIENTS; i++){<br> char *terminate;<br> terminate = new char[4];<br> strcpy(terminate,"EOP");<br> terminate[4] = 0;<br> if (clients.connected){<br> printf("%d.",i);<br> if (OVRMODE) TCPMODE_SET = TCPMODE; else TCPMODE_SET = clients.TCPMODE;<br> if (TCPMODE_SET) send(clients.socket_fd, terminate, bytesToSend, 0 );<br> else {printf(".");<br> sendto(UDPSocket, terminate, bytesToSend, 0,<br> (struct sockaddr *)&clients.address, clients.addressLength);<br> }<br> }<br> }<br> printf("\n");<br>}<br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// CHECK FOR INCOMING CLIENT-MESSAGES<br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>void checkForMessages()<br>{<br> fd_set input_set, <br> exc_set; // Input and Error sets for the select function<br> int selectResult, // This is Used for the Select command to store the value it gets back<br> nfds; // New filedescriptor to allow multiple connectionrequests<br> timeout.tv_sec = 0; // 0 for non-blocking<br> timeout.tv_usec = 0;<br> nfds = 0;<br> FD_ZERO(&input_set); // Set up the input,and exception sets for select().<br> FD_ZERO(&exc_set);<br> <br> for (int i = 0; i < MAXCLIENTS<img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> // Add all connected sockets to set for checking<br> {<br> if (clients.connected == true){<br> FD_SET(clients.socket_fd,&input_set);<br> FD_SET(clients.socket_fd,&exc_set);<br> }<br> nfds++;<br> i++;<br> }<br> selectResult = select(nfds,&input_set,NULL,&exc_set,&timeout); // Checks for incoming<br> if (selectResult > 0)<br> {<br> for (int i=0; i < numberOfClients<img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> //Look through all the clients to see which one is giving error or data<br> {<br> if (FD_ISSET(clients.socket_fd,&exc_set)) // Error on socket<br> {<br> // Assume error means disconnection<br> printf("*%s disconnected from slot %d\n",clients.nickName,i);<br> disconnectClient(i);<br> }<br><br> if ((FD_ISSET(clients.socket_fd, &input_set))) // Incoming message<br> {<br> // Get whatever message the client sending, and carry out appropriate response<br> getMessage(i);<br> }<br> i++; // Next Client<br> }<br> }<br>}<br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// PROCESS CLIENT-MESSAGES<br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// (not used in this program, but included for later versions, if any)<br>// Get the message, and see what it is.<br>void getMessage(int i){<br> // Receive The Data and Put into a Buffer Until we know what it is.<br> char *rcvBuffer;<br> rcvBuffer = new char[2]; //receivebuffer = expected databytes +1 for stringterminator<br> rcvBuffer[0] = rcvBuffer[1] = 0;<br> if (OVRMODE) TCPMODE_SET = TCPMODE; else TCPMODE_SET = clients.TCPMODE;<br> if (TCPMODE_SET) recv(clients.socket_fd,rcvBuffer,1,0);<br> else recvfrom( UDPSocket, rcvBuffer, 1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&clients.address, &clients.addressLength);<br> switch (rcvBuffer[0])<br> {<br> case ''1'':<br> printf("*%s requested TCPMODE on slot %d\n",clients.nickName,i);<br> clients.TCPMODE = true;<br> break;<br> case ''2'':<br> printf("*%s requested UDPMODE on slot %d\n",clients.nickName,i);<br> clients.TCPMODE = false;<br> break;<br> case ''3'':<br> printf("*%s stopped listening on slot %d\n",clients.nickName,i);<br> disconnectClient(i); <br> break;<br> }<br>}<br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// DISCONNECT A LISTENER<br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>void disconnectClient(int i){<br> closesocket(clients.socket_fd);<br> clients.connected = false;<br> numberOfClients–;<br>}<br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// SHUTDOWN THE ENTIRE SERVER<br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>void shutdownServer( void ){<br> closesocket(TCPSocket);<br> closesocket(UDPSocket);<br> for (int i = 0; i < MAXCLIENTS, i++<img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle><br> {<br> if (clients.connected) disconnectClient(i);<br> }<br> WSACleanup(); // Remove Winsock<br>}<br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>// MAIN<br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>int main(int argc, char *argv[]){<br> WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1);<br> WSADATA wsaData;<br> WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);<br> char *choice;<br> running = true;<br> numberOfClients = 0;<br> printf("\n<<< Winsock TCP/UDP Radio Broadcaster >>>\n (C) 2002 Trond Borg\n\n");<br> choice = new char[1];<br> printf("Select 1 : CLIENT SELECT MODE\n");<br> printf(" 2 : TCP ONLY MODE\n");<br> printf(" 3 : TCP ONLY MODE : ");<br> scanf ("%s", choice); // read userid from keyboard into userID<br> if(!strcmp(choice,"1")){<br> OVRMODE = false;<br> }<br> if(!strcmp(choice,"2")){<br> TCPMODE = true;<br> OVRMODE = true;<br> }<br> if(!strcmp(choice,"3")){<br> TCPMODE = false;<br> OVRMODE = true;<br> }<br> if(OVRMODE){<br> if(TCPMODE) printf("TCP ONLY MODE Enabled\n"); else printf("UDP ONLY MODE Enabled\n");<br> }else printf(" CLIENT SELECT MODE Enabled\n");<br> <br> printf("\n");<br> loadWave();<br> updateProgramInfo();<br> if (argc < 2){<br> servePort = 888;<br> }<br> else servePort = atoi(argv[1]);<br> initServer();<br> //printf("Splitting wavedata into %d bit chunks for broadcasting\n",SENDBUFFERSIZE);<br> printf("Waiting for a listener before starting program\n");<br> while (numberOfClients == 0){<br> // wait a little or CPU-usage goes up to a 100%<br> // FIX <br> Sleep(1000);<br> checkForNewClients(); // Dont start radio until at least one listener is ready<br> }<br> broadcastAudio(); // Send the audiofile chunk by chunk<br> shutdownServer(); // For all clients, close socket:<br> printf("Server closed down\n");<br> scanf ("%s",choice);<br> return(0);<br>}//END MAIN </i> <br><br>"That''s Tron. He fights for the users."
kool, I will try that out. Allthough I dont understand what I am doing out-of-order? The reason I put the <> inside the loop was to clear it out between each send?
Can you explain why I dont need that? I am terrible with strings...
I think Digitalfiend deserves a pat on the back for being so helpful in this (and other) threads: pat pat...
trondb: if you are not so interested in learning the workings of sockets and just want to get the data across successfully you could use my sockets wrapper, it is easy to use and fully documented on my website, there is an example to show how to do a simple file transfer: http://www.zppz.com/libraries/minisock/index.jsp (runs on windows and linux)
Again, thanks alot Digitalfiend! It rocks to have people like you out there to help out when my skills don''t cut it!!! I am currently cramp-studying for my final exams, so I will have to implement this a little later in the week, but I''m sure its gonna work now!!! Thanks again (Y)