
DirectMusic Producer and looping sound samples

Started by December 18, 2002 08:38 PM
1 comment, last by blahpers 21 years, 9 months ago
Yes, I also posted this in the DirectX forum, but it applies well here, and most of the DirectX forum goers don''t seem to delve much into DirectMusic authoring. Now I don''t have the Downloadable Sounds Level 2 document, as I haven''t decided whether to shell out the money for it, but I was fairly sure I had this right. If not, let me know. Let''s say I have a wave sample of a pipelike instrument with an embellishment at the beginning and a pitch falloff at the end. I want the sample to play such that it first plays the embellishment, leads into the sustained note, loops over the note until the note is released, and then ends with the falloff. The problem is, I can''t get DirectMusic to play the falloff. I import the WAV into a DLS collection in Producer, set the loop points, check "Loop" and "Loop and Release", and make an Instrument using the sample. I tried setting the Release Articulation to an obscenely high duration. But when the note is released, it just stops playing; it never reaches the part after the loop region. The DLS level 2 specification looks very versatile, so I''d assume that it would support something like this. Sample treatment like this is common in many synthesizers and sound modules. Any ideas?
Hey Blaphers!

May I suggest that you sign up to Bjorn Lynne''s DirectMusic e-mail list at

There are many experienced DirectMusic proffessionals on the list as well as members of the Microsoft DirectX Audio team. If they cannot answer your question, you really are hopelessly lost ;o)

You should look through the archives first to check that that question hasn''t allready been asked. It doesn''t ring any bells with me, but I''ve never delved in as far as using DMP to create DLS2 banks. What I do is create a vienna sf2 and use Awave studio to convert to dls. Works a treat!

Good Luck,


P.S. DirectX 9 is out along with a new DirectX SDK and version of DMP!
Thanks Kenbar, I''ll look into both options, though for the latter I suspect that my Hercules card doesn''t support soundfonts. Thanks again!

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