Original post by Anonymous Poster
yeah, all my textures are jpegs but I have another problem , namely sound ... 1.35 mins of mp3 sampled at 16 khz mono , that being the lowest quality I could let myself use , is nearly 200 kb, that and fmod.dll are together more then 320 kb, that leaves me with nearly nothing for textures & .exe ....
mp3, whats that? ahh i remember, that proprietary music compression standard from the last millenium, right?..
god i''m happy to live today, having .ogg files of 4, 5 minutes on a floppy disk, in about radio quality..
lalala.. music is fun today:D
(hint, using ogg vorbis at lowest quality still sounds quite good (tested on real good (tm) audio systems, professional ones), and really does not take up much.. oh, and use mono.. while it sounds much worse, it nearly halfes filesize..)
or, use midi style audio file types.. mod and such..
"take a look around" - limp bizkit