Thanks people for all your posts
OK ! Next question:
I have split up the project, but unfortunatly i am heaving a hard time determening what the programmers should do...
Unfortunatly I am the best programmer, and have most of the knowledge about DirectX.
However i only code in Visual Basic, and I am not yet confortable with C++.
The second programmer has good knowledge on VisualBasic too, but he only had some experience with Direct Draw, and some basic Direct3D...
The third programmer only codes in C++, and has no knowledge on VB. He knows OpenGL, and has few experience with DirectX.
This way it is verry hard to determine how to break the Project for programmers...
I tried it this way:
- I, the leader would take on with the writing of the 3D Engine
- I''ve assigned to the other VB guy to create the MenuSystem and a writing of a browsing engine, to walk around menus and stuff
- But i have no idea what to assign to the third one, who has absolutly NO Knowledge on VisualBasic...
Help is needed :\
"Find the path, follow the Master... Follow the master, understand the master... Overcome the master !"
"Find the path, follow the Master... Follow the master, understand the master... Overcome the master !"